Welcome to Future V2 ! It’s not 1 but 10 Coming soon in 1. Bootstrap 3, HTML 5 Verified 100% and CSS3.
10 styles
- Fullscreen image
- Rain on your screen
- Fullscreen slider
- Youtube background
- Flat surface shader 1
- Animations with CSS
- Parallax
- Flat surface shader 2
- Worms
- Stars effect
Main features
- Built with Bootstrap v3.1.1
- Fully responsive
- Smooth and light
- Easy to customise
- Ready to use
- Ajax subscribing
- Contact form
- Google Map styled
- Help file
- Assistance 7/7 (English & Français)
- 10 styles in 1
FUTURE is an HTML Template and not a Wordpress plugin.
For those who have purchased this item before the 01/05/2015, if you get an error message regarding the Google Map you have to replace the script at the bottom of your html :
Replace this :
<script type="text/javascript" src="/img/general/icons/loader-legacy.gif" data-src="https://images.weserv.nl/?default=https://themes.aedevstudio.com/img/general/pixel-1x1.png&url=https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyASm3CwaK9qtcZEWYa-iQwHaGi3gcosAJc&sensor=false"></script>
by this :
<script src="/img/general/icons/loader-legacy.gif" data-src="https://images.weserv.nl/?default=https://themes.aedevstudio.com/img/general/pixel-1x1.png&url=http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script>
(02/05/2015) - Resolution of the error regarding the map mentioned just above
(20/08/2014) - Fixing a YouTube's issue - For those who have purchased the template before the 20/08/14, you just need to replace the jquery.mb.YTPlayer.js by the new

Images sources
- The pictures in the live preview are not included in the download pack. I have replaced it with placeholder. If you are interesting by the pictures, you could find them in the next links.
- Unsplash
- Wallbase
- New Old Stock
- Automobiles review
- Needoptic on Flickr
- Cris Cab – Liar liar