Thinking of launching an online store for your products? Get the all new Bella E-Commerce HTML Template for your dream shop.
Bella gives you an excellent opportunity to reflect your exact standards to the online world. It is specially designed to cater to the needs of an E-Commerce web page. Its unique design will mesmerize any visitor and persuade them to make a purchase. It suits almost all the predominant categories like fashion, clothing, electronics, tools, jewelry, electronics and so on. The promising features of the template include:
- Nine distinct stylish Homepages
- Available in Sixteen attractive shades
- Multiple versions: Box and Wide
- Fully Customizable and highly sophisticated
New Updates** >
5 Different Header Styles Added
8 My Account Pages Added in package
Visualize your shop with our 9 pre made demos
Bella comes with 8 Home variations, total 31 pages and 16 predefined colors. The template have all necessary pages and fully customizable. All template files are well commented, organized and documented.
Key Features:
- 9 Unique Home pages
- 5 Header styles with Sticky Header
- 16 Predefined colors
- 31 Pages included
- RTL version
- Wide and Boxed version
- Built with Bootstrapp 3
- Responsive
- W3C Validated
- Well Organised code
- All pages added(listing, detail,cart etc)
Our Other Ecommerce HTML Templates