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Template feature
- Template Builder by Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, StampReady, Mailster
- Commented HTML.
- Compatible with FreshMail
- Flexible table structure (delete/copy/replace).
- Responsive for your mobile device.
- Test sending directly at the demo page.
- Full Cover, Menu Bar header style.
- All-in-one template include 45+ modules.
- Conversion Centered Design
- 17 Unique template with Main template include 18 modules
- Advanced lossy compression for PNG,JPG (reduce png,jpg file size -70%)
- Compatible with awesome WordPress plugin Mailster.
- StampReady an Export file usable with MailChimp.
- 18 Repeatable modules

Please note
- Microsoft Outlook is not support Background image. it will replace with a solid background color instead.
- This is a template file not an editor service.
- Files export from SR is not compatible with Mailster due to a different code and file structure.
Package included
- Campaign Monitor – include Campaign Monitor tag : singleline, multiline, editable, repeater, layout. You can editing in text/image content, and repeating/align modules, CM doesn’t have a style customization function for custom HTML template so I recommend using SR editor and export to use with CM.
- MailChimp – include MailChimp tag: mc:edit, mc:repeatable, mc:hideable mc:variant. You can editing in text/image content, and repeating/align modules, for the template style I do recommend using SR editor and export to use with MC.
- Regular html – (None MailChimp or Campaign Monitor TAG)
- Photoshop file – all layers are names and well organized with group and color label.
- Documentation – include how to upload to Campaign Monitor and MailChimp, Mailster, StampReady, and FAQ section.
- Mailster. – compatible html file. include both index.html and notification.html for plugin. After create a campaign you will able to add/remove/drag & drop modules, Edit text/images, change color scheme all by a plugin function.
- StampReady – compatible html file for using with StampReady service.
Matah Email Set 20 Unique templates style.

Koble Set with 14 templates and 150 modules for all in one.