LABOMBA is a WooComerce based template that different from the rest. its complete, its easy to use and easy to customize. LABOMBA is specifically made for you to bring the latest fashion trends in a fashionable design. use it as your shop, lookbook, portfolio or your blog. everything in a single theme! enjoy the next level of customization with a simple drag & drop WPBakery Page Builder. with 21 different home page layouts, 4 customizable headers, and unlimited colors, you’ll look different from the rest. share your tips and know-how in a customizable & trendy pinterest-like blog powered by AJAX Infinite scroll button. add a video, photos and slider in your blog post is easy and fast! so what are you waiting for? be different, be fashionable, be LABOMBA !

Theme Features
Elegant Design |
Boxed or Wide Layout |
Thanks goes out to this great authors:
- WP Bakery
- Daniel Zedda
- mark sebastian
- 55Laney69
- Emma Karlsmark Elfstrand
- inmyeye
- Gnilenkov Aleksey
- Haylee Barsky
- Vincent Boiteau
How do I contact Dahz?
You can contact us directly in our themeforest comment area or you can send email to our support mail at
customer care fast response on Mon – Fri / 9am – 5pm GMT+7 year-round.