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Course Description
Ionic is a framework for building cross-platform mobile apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Not only does Ionic come with numerous mobile-optimized UI components, but it is also built on top of AngularJS for powerful templating and easy two-way data binding.
Firebase is a perfect complement to Ionic. While Ionic is a great tool for building the front-end, Firebase can power the back-end. With Firebase, we don’t need to worry about provisioning servers or building REST APIs—with a little bit of configuration, we can let Firebase do the work.
In this course, we’re going to build a recipe app called “Foodbook”. We’ll start by getting familiar with the Ionic components, and then we’ll take it further as we create controllers and services with AngularJS.
What You’ll Learn
- How Ionic works, and a look at its CSS, JavaScript and HTML components.
- Build a recipe catalog app with Ionic, using Firebase to store data.
- Set up App.js and routing, and create an Angular service to connect your app to the Firebase server.
- Create the app interface: home page, add page, recipe list and single page view, and edit/delete pages.
About the Instructor
Reginald Dawson is a longtime network admin who has finally moved over to coding. Skilled in web development and obsessed with frameworks (Angular, Meteor and Ionic to name a few), he is using his past experience as an instructor to help others learn to use technology.