Techedu – School Website Template
Techedu – School Website Template is a groundbreaking HTML template for education, university, college e-learning, academy, training, online teaching, online course, online teaching etc. Techedu school website template helps you modernize your website so that you and your students can cop up with the 4th industrial revolution. Once clicked, you will find the best features which are suitable for institute website templates.
Techedu – education based websites template is enriched with 05 readymade homepages. These unique pages will bring new taste on your websites. You can make multiple choices in this school website template.
We built this school website template, having two things in our mind. First one is your visitors and the second one is you. Ease and comfort await for both the ends. This fully featured education bootstrap template responds to all devices and modern browsers as it embodies an entirely responsive layout.
Techedu online classes website template has the display of your teachers, trainers and faculties to make your ground more solid. Profiles of the respected teachers will surely settle your visitors mind.
Techedu carries a superb blog page. Blogs connects, blogs engages! This school website template serves an excellent blog page, you just need know the use of it.
This school website template is feature rich and function focused
Techedu- School Website Template Detailed Description
If you are checking out school website templates for maintaining your academy, school, college, training center or coaching center, Techedu comes on top of the check-list.
Techedu school Bootstrap template is powered by the latest technologies of education website. It has been crafted with Bootstrap5, HTML5 and CSS3. Techedu education Bootstrap template is easily convertible to other CMS’.
This responsive school website template has been optimized with multiple screen size and browsers. It will run with it’s own smoothness whatsoever.
Moreover, this Saas Compatible education template has smooth scroll, working contact form, Google font and Google map integration.
Gallery, Class pages, students’ log-in and so many other pages & functions have brought a completeness of Techedu. Beautiful design, smooth animation, easy customization and super-fast loading speed have turned this education template more comprehensive.
However, I would recommend you to visit every page and make an extensive analysis of Techedu school website template and then it’s up to you, whether to buy or not.
Main Features List of Techedu – School Website Template based on Bootstrap 5
- 5 Home Page.
- Bootstrap 5.0.2.
- Unlimited Color.
- Latest Version.
- Free Google Web Font.
- Easy to Use.
- This Template is Convertible for all CMS.
Do You Need WordPress Version?

change log
Version: 3.0.0 —-—-Date: 20 – 07 – 2021
1. Bootstrap update from v4 to v5 2. Minor issue fixed
Version: 2.0.2 —-—-Date: 04 – 07 – 2021
1. jQuery update from 1.12.3 to 1.12.4 2. Wow js plugin update from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 3. Slick slider plugin update from 1.5.9 to 1.8.1 4. Venobox plugin update from 1.6.0 to 1.9.3 5. animate CSS update from 3.4.0 to 4.0.0
Version: 2.0.1 —-—-Date: 13-10-2019
01. Minor css issue fixed.
Version: 2.0 —-—-Date: 31-08-2019
01. Update From Bootstrap 3 to Bootstrap 4.
Do You Need More Features?

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