InCV is a one-page CV / resume / portfolio template. Easily customizable, iPhone, iPad friendly, print-ready. Aimed at web developers, but suitable for anyone seeking to stand out. Also featuring PHP contact form, social services integration, CSS3 effects, extensive documentation.
Theme Features
- 4 skins to start with
- Easy to create a different look
- Contact Form with captcha-free SPAM protection
- Portfolio section with YouTube, Vimeo and image support
- Badges to include additional links
- Facebook Like / Tweet / Google +1 integration
- Responsive layout
- iPad, iPhone, Android friendly
- Colorless print version
- 8 modern CSS3 hover effects
What’s inside
- 4 HTML files with different skins applied
- 58 icons for social networks
- 156 patterns to help you create your own look
- Layered PSD file of the design
- Extensive documentation with screenshots
31.07.2012, ver. 1.1
- New: added Star-Based skills section
- New: layout becomes liquid when window width is below 960px
- New: visual improvements in every skin
- New: Google Plus social icon added
- Fixed: contact form falls back to plain text if HTML emails are not allowed