Savor is an elegant, modern, functional and easy-to-use responsive parallax Drupal theme that has been purposely built for the restaurant, cafe and bistro industry. The theme allows you to choose between the different demos we have created for each type of food establishment or create your very own style to match your restaurant, cafe or bistro business. Allow your customers to get immersed in your content with full screen images, parallax, elegant typography and animations. Savor built with Gavias Block Builder, the amazing drag and dop builder allows you build professional block in just some simple clicks. In addition, with over 19 widgets integrated, building content is never easier. Savor apply the latest web technologies: Bootstrap 3, SASS, HTML5, CSS3, Font Awesome 4 …
- Compatible with Drupal 8.x
- 4 Homepages Demo
- Drag & Drop Block Builder – Video guide
- 19+ widget types included by default
- Custom type: Article, Portfolio, Gallery, Testimonial, Menu Food, Event
- Post Format: Image, Gallery, Video, Audio
- Portfolio Format: Image, Gallery, Video
- 15 Color Schemes
- Customization – customize(color, background…)
- Fully responsive design
- Powerful Grid system
- Boxed style and Full width style
- Powered by HTML5/CSS3/Bootstrap
- Valid XHTML and CSS markup
- Fast & Friendly support
- Support CSS Development
- Well organized & documented
- And more…
- Contact us via email :
Updates & Changelog
5 February 18
* Update drupal core 8.4.4 for fresh-installation
25 November 16
* Update: Drupal core 8.2.3 for fresh-installation