GymBase is a gym fitness HTML Template designed in a minimalist style. It has a responsive layout that looks great on mobile and tablet devices. The main point of focus is represented by home page slider which scales down automatically depending on your screen resolution.
The Template contains blog page with comments, filterable portfolio with details page, responsive timetable page, classes based on accordion page and contact page with a map of location and working contact form.
Included PSD source file allows you to customize the Template to your needs.
Latest Version: 23.07.2021 – v3.0. Check the changelog
Responsive Layout

Gymbase is fully responsive. Each and every page element is 100% responsive and adapts perfectly for any mobile device.
Extended Features List
- Responsive Design
- jQuery Powered
- Blog Template
- Timetable Template
- Filterable Gallery
- Working Contact Form
- Map of Location
- Latest Tweets
- Social Icons included
- Valid HTML5 Code
- Font Face Fonts
- PSD Source Included
- Documentation Included
This Item is Supported
Support is conducted through our Support Forum. We’re in GMT +1 and we aim to answer all questions within 24 hours on weekdays. In some cases, the waiting time can be extended to 48 hours. Support requests sent during weekends or public holidays will be processed on next Monday or the next business day.
PSD Source Files
PSD source files are offered free of charge to all of our buyers. Please contact us to get the files. You will receive perfectly organized, layered and fully editable .psd files.
We Are Trusted by 100,000+ Customers
We are a team of passionate people with 15+ years of experience and 9+ years of our presence on Envato Market. We specialize in WordPress, design, and development. Please follow us to stay up to date as we continue to craft our works.
Web Pages Based On This Template
Have a site running this project? Please send us a link and get featured below.
What Others Are Saying
ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS template! Easy to manipulate, but more importantly the support from the author is INCREDIBLE! I had some contact form coding problems (due to my lack of knowledge) and they continued to assist until the issue was resolved! Thank you QuanticaLabs for this wonderful Gymbase template at a crazy low price AND all the amazing support!
Oooh very nice theme. One of the classiest designs I’ve seen on here in a long time. Best of luck!
Thanks for that Template! And for the quick support! U rule!
Beautiful, really love it.
This Product Has Been Featured On

- Droid Sans By Steve Matteson, Apache License, version 2.0, - Droid Serif By Steve Matteson, Apache License, version 2.0, - Arial – default system font.
All icons by QuanticaLabs. Icons are an integral part of this template, please do not use it separately for other purposes.Images
Images that are an integral part of this template, please do not use it separately for other purposes:- Fitness young woman on gym bike spinning By CandyBoxImages, - Dumbbells in a row By IS2, - bodybuilder man doing biceps muscle exercises By kadmy
- love your body – 2 By lululemon athletica, - love your body – 3 By lululemon athletica, - Salutation Nation – 077 By lululemon athletica, - Salutation Nation – 108 By lululemon athletica, - Salutation Nation – 094 By lululemon athletica, - Rolling By sportsandsocial, - Free weights By sportsandsocial
23.07.2021 – v3.0- New ‘_send_from’ option added under email config.
- phpMailer script update.
- jQuery update (to version 3.6.0).
- Updates for included JavaScript libraries.
footer.php header.php index.php menu.php contact_form/config.php contact_form/contact_form.php js/ js/jquery.hint.js js/jquery.qtip.min.js js/jquery.timeago.js js/main.js page/classes.php page/gallery.php page_html/blog.html page_html/classes.html page_html/contact.html page_html/gallery.html page_html/home.html page_html/post.html page_html/timetable.html phpMailer directory style/jquery.qtip.css style/style.css --- new files --- js/jquery.carouFredSel-6.2.1.js js/jquery.carouFredSel-6.2.1.min.js js/jquery.carouFredSel-6.2.1-packed.js js/jquery.easing.1.4.1.js js/jquery.easing.1.4.1.min.js js/jquery.fancybox.js js/jquery-3.6.0.min.js --- removed files --- js/jquery.carouFredSel-5.6.1-packed.js js/jquery.easing.1.3.js js/jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.pack.js js/jquery-1.12.4.min.js js/jquery-migrate-1.4.1.min.js06.06.2019 – v2.2
- Minor code improvements.
www/header.php www/contact_form/contact_form.php www/style/superfish.css14.04.2017 – v2.1
- Fix for email send issue when using SMTP.
contact_form/config.php contact_form/contact_form.php06.04.2017 – v2.0
- phpMailer script update.
- jQuery update (to version 1.12.4).
- jQuery UI update (to version 1.12.1).
- jQuery Isotope update (to version 2.2.0).
- jQuery blockUI update (to version 2.70.0).
- Minor code fixes.
footer.php header.php contact_form/contact_form.php contact_form/template.php js/jquery.blockUI.js js/jquery.isotope.min.js js/main.js page/classes.php page_html/blog.html page_html/classes.html page_html/contact.html page_html/gallery.html page_html/home.html page_html/post.html page_html/timetable.html style/style.css phpMailer directory -- added files --- js/jquery-1.12.4.min.js js/jquery-migrate-1.4.1.min.js js/jquery-ui-1.12.1.custom.min.js --- removed files --- js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js js/jquery-ui-1.8.21.custom.min.js12.07.2016 – v1.8
- Fix for Google Maps component – Google API key is now required.
- Minor code fixes and improvements.
header.php contact_form/contact_form.php js/main.js page_html/blog.html page_html/classes.html page_html/contact.html page_html/gallery.html page_html/home.html page_html/post.html page_html/timetable.html style/responsive.css style/style.css14.06.2013 – v1.7
- Twitter feed update (API 1.1 compatibility) – works only with php version from now.
--- php version --- header.php page/blog.php page/home.php page/post.php js/main.js --- new files --- libraries directory added twitter_config.php -- removed files --- js/jquery.linkify.js17.10.2012 – v1.6
- Fix for Twitter feed issue in IE.
- Fix for Twitter feed issue.
- small CSS fixes and improvements.
- small CSS fixes and improvements.
- Slider issue fix (image wasn’t centered).
- CSS improvements.
- Pure HTML template files added (page_html directory).