With advanced layout options, gorgeous large article images, citation support, article series, and author images, all wrapped up in a fully responsive design, WordPress For Writers takes care of making your site look beautiful and allows you to do what you do best: write.
Works with WordPress 3.8
If you would like a full description of all that the theme has to offer, you can read the first article in the live demo.
- Citation, layout, gallery, audio, and button shortcodes (also available as buttons in the post editor for quick access)
- Article series, author, and twitter widgets
- New taxonomy: article series
- Full WordPress Customizer support for easy theme customization (introduced in WP 3.4)
- Fully functional contact form
- Responsive design
Themeforest does not allow the bundling of fonts with theme downloads (required for font-face functionality).
To download the Theano Didot font face kit, click the link below and then click @font-face Kit. Unzip and rename the folder theano-didot, drop into the theme folder, and the font will load automatically.
Theano Didot: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/Theano-Didot