AmyMovie is a versatile movie and cinema theme that can be easily adapted to suit a variety of websites. Whether you’re running a single cinema, a multi-venue cinema complex, or a movie news site, AmyMovie has the features you need.
One of the most useful features is the ability to import movies from the IMBD website. This saves you time by allowing you to quickly and easily populate your site with content. In addition, AmyMovie includes support for online ticket bookings, TV shows, and more. So whatever type of movie-related website you’re running, AmyMovie has you covered.

Popular WordPress Plugin Integration
- Elementor: Popular page builder.
- Visual Composer: Page Builder for WordPress $34.
- Breadcrumb NavXT: Adds a breadcrumb navigation showing the visitor’s path to their current location.
Advanced Theme Options
AmyMovie Theme Options are global settings that allow you to build custom sites without coding. These options will apply to every page or post on your site, unless overridden by page or post options.- Importing multi movies from IMDB website
- Custom Image Size to fit your design
- Add as many social network to your website as you want.
- Google Fonts and Typography supports.
- Change the skin color of your website.
- Custom topbar, logo and page header.
- Powerful movie options.
- Custom blog post layout.
- Translation options to help you easy to use your own language.
- Custom CSS & JS.
Advanced Movie, TV Shows options
- Add any custom fields to the movie page as you want.
- Enable streaming system.
- Showtime types: All days or Coming soon.
- Advanced movie search sorted by title, date, released date,...
- Show/ hide comment field or allow/ not allow visitors to comment on the movies.
- Set release date and duration.
- Enter IMDB rating, MPAA and language for the movies.
- Add multiple images for Gallery and add multiple trailers from Youtube or Vimeo. The number of images and videos will display at the Movie Detail page.
- Add as many cinemas as possible which will show the movie. You also can choose the date and exact time the movie will show. This information will display on the showtime part.
- Enable/ disable Custom Rating part.
- Select Genres, Actors, Directors for the movie.
- Add movie banners and movie posters.
- Support three layouts for the Movie Detail page (Left sidebar, Right Sidebar or Full Width).
- Easy to choose the sidebar for the Movie Detail page.
- Global option at Theme option allows visitors to rate for the movie or not.
Advanced Actors/ Directors/ Genre options
- Display Actor/ Directors/ Genre in the particular pages.
- Add actor/ director name, summary information, biography, avatar, banner.
- Add more information about their birthday, birthplace, gender, nationality.
- On the actor/ director detail page, it shows the list of movies by that actor. Director.
- Global options at Theme options allows to choose the number of movies per page at Genre page, and you can choose Genre page layout with sidebar or no sidebar.
Advanced Cinema options
- Enter the short description about the cinema.
- Option to add cinema banner.
- Option to add the cinema gallery. The gallery will display on the carousel style.
- Add extra information (cinema’s address, phone, website, email).
- Allow to add Google map of the cinema’s location at the cinema detail page.
Amazing Showtime function
- At The Movie Detail page, Showtime function allows visitors to select the cinema which will show that movie, then the date and the exact time on that cinema will appear.
- At The Movie List layout, Showtime function allows visitors to see the time when the movie will show at the cinema on that day.
- At the Movie Grid layout, showtime function allows to show the exact time (hours and minutes) when the movie with show on that day. It means it will help visitors to know which movies will show on that day. Note that, only the movies which will be shown on that day, will include the time on their posters.
- At the Showtime page: allow visitors select the movies => select the cinema and the date and time will appear.
Awesome Showrate function
- Allows to display the list of movies with the rate information only (number of votes, Pointed rate, star rate).
- Easy to create the Top Rated movies by “Order By” option.
Advanced Blog options
- Support three post types (standard, image, video).
- Set up blog page or set custom categories per page using AmyMovie Blog shortcode.
- Support three layouts for your global blog page (grid, list, masonry) and support 2 blog layouts for the custom categories per page using AmyMovie Blog shortcode. All of the layouts can have the left sidebar, right sidebar or no sidebar.
- Set Featured image per post.
- Auto generated thumbnails.
- Easy to set the content position under image or on the right of image.
- Show/ hide pagination at the blog page.
Advanced Page Title Bar
- Allows to enable/ disable the page title bar globally, or per page.
- Choose the title position on the page title bar (on the left/ right or center).
- Options to set background color, background image or title text color
Advanced Topbar/ Header options
- Smart Topbar allows to insert any widget into; add Text, Link, Login/ Logout module and more,...
- Support three nice headers layouts (logo and menu on the top left, logo on the top center and module under, logo on the top left and menu on the top right.
- Fully control logo padding top and logp padding bottom.
- Include Sticky menu for the width of screen is equal or less than 992px.
- Allows to add a nice search module on the header.
Advanced Footer Options
- Insert custom widgets on Footer Widgets Before and Footer Widgets After.
- Support 1 – 10 columns for Footer, insert any widgets to each column (add social icons, list of posts, custom menu, contact module, Newsletter module and more).
- Enable/ disable copyright bar.
- Control to add modules are text, link, custom menu, social icons, WP login into copyright bar.