Certy is a new word and high standard in the world of online resume and cv. Clean and beautiful eye-catching design will attract your future employer with first impression. SEO Friendly, semantically correct and w3 valid code, innovative mobile first approach and Microformats powered SEO for every page will help you to boost your CV on the internet.
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- HTML5, CSS3, jQuery powered- Semantically Correct and Valid Code
- SEO Friendly
- Mobile First
- Responsive
- Retina Ready
- Microformats
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Custom Color Scheme
![Rate Certy.png](https://images.weserv.nl/?default=https://themes.aedevstudio.com/img/general/pixel-1x1.png&url=http://px-lab.com/banners/rscardwp/Rscard_rate.png)
// v1.0.2 - 07.08.2018 Documentation adjustments // v1.0.2 - 07.08.2018 [New] Checkbox in the contact form for GDPR compliance [Fixed] Multiple minor fixes // v1.0.1 - 16.03.2017 [New] Portfolio Design [New] One Page Design [New] Navigation Design (tab/transparent) [New] Sticky options on window scroll // v1.0.0 - 03.03.2017 [New] - Initial release