- Nevada is fully translation ready!
- Multi Language WPML Support
- Amazing Page Builder!
- Includes Awesome Revolution Slider ? $15 Value!
- 9 Powerful Predefined Templates
- 7 Predefined Colors
- Lambda Slider Manager
- Unlimited Number of Sliders
- 4 Custom Featured Header
- Simple Custom Contact Form Builder
- Sidebar Builder
- Logo Uploader
- Shortcode Generator
- 50+ Shortcodes
- 500+ Google Fonts
- Unlimited Accent Colors
- Widget Ready
- 8 Custom Widgets
- Lambda Like Post
- Lambda Recent Post
- Lambda Twitter
- Lambda Flickr
- Lambda Video
- Lambda Comments
- Lambda Contact
- Lambda Social Icon Widget with 84 Icons
- Filterable Portfolio
- 2 Columns
- 3 Columns
- 4 Columns
- Pricing Table
- Footer 1 – 4 Columns
- 9 Templates
- Archiv Template
- Dynamic Contact Form Template
- Team Template
- Faq Template
- Testimonial Template
- Home Template
- Portfolio Template
- Client Template
- Service Template
- Post Format Ready
- Self Hosted Audio Post
- Self Hosted Video, Vimeo & YouTube Post
- Soundcloud Post
- Featured Image Post
- Blockquote Post
- Link Post
- Gallery Post
- Lambda Built-in Like Post Buttons
- Fully Responsive
- HTML 5 Ready
- SEO Ready
- jQuery Camera Slider by Pixedelic
- jQuery Prettyphoto by Stephane Caron
- Flexslider by Whoo Themes
- Superfish by Joel Birch
- jQuery Twitter by Seaofclouds
- Music Give Our Dreams Their Wings To Fly timmcmorris
- Vimeo Videos by Christian Andersen
Menassier Gabriel
Most Images are purchaseable at http://www.fotolia.com
If you have further Question, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Thank you!
Version 1.8.1 -- update to Slider Revolution 4.6.9 -- added patches regarding this WordPress security issue: https://blog.sucuri.net/2015/04/security-advisory-xss-vulnerability-affecting-multiple-wordpress-plugins.html Version 1.8 -- fixed an issue with QTranslate Plus causing the Editor to break -- added woocommerce 2.3 compatibility Version 1.7.9 -- update to Revolution Slider 4.6.0 to 4.6.5 Version 1.7.8 -- update to woocommerce Version 1.7.7 -- update to revolution slider from 4.3.6 to 4.6 -- fixed an issue with service columns -- fixed an issue with page creator editor height issue -- fixed an issue with editor being broken when switching tabs Version 1.7.6 -- fixed an issue with editor in page creator -- update to revolution slider Version 1.7.4 -- update to woocommerce 2.1 -- update to revolution slider 4.1.4 Version 1.7.2 -- fixed an issue with multiple galleries in blog -- update to revolution slider Version 1.7.1 -- fixed an issue with shortcode generator Version 1.7 -- added tablemanager compatibility on multisite installations -- added slidermanager compatibility on multisite installations -- added TGM Plugin Activation -- added new twitter widget plugin via TGM -- fixed an issue with camera slider manager and WP3.6 -- fixed an issue with QTranslate on contact page -- fixed an issue with woocommerce sidebar settings -- fixed an issue with woocommerce order template -- fixed an issue with service template -- fixed an issue with revolution slider caption -- fixed an issue with prettyphoto lightbox on page creator pages -- fixed an issue with tag archive displaying -- fixed an issue with search archive displaying -- fixed an issie with navigation in chrome -- removed theme auto updater due to WP3.6 issues -- moved rev slider from theme directory to plugin directory ( TGM Activation ) -- improved performance -- update to Revolution Slider 3.0.8 -- update to child theme Version 1.6.4 -- update to revolution slider 3.0.5 -- removed old twitter widget -- added new twitter widget as plugin in download Version 1.6.3 -- update to revolution slider -- fixed an issue with login widget and woo commerce 2.0.4 -- fixed an issue with portfolio password protection Version 1.6.2 -- fixed an issue with portfolio management -- fixed an issue rev slider caption CSS Version 1.6.1 -- fixed an issue with pagination on front pages -- fixed an issue with removed breaks in pagecreator text editors -- fixed an issue with embedded videos inside service template -- fixed an issue with default avatar -- fixed an issue with supersized slider -- fixed an issue with product tabs and variable products Version 1.6 -- update to woocommerce theme -- updated XML File -- update to Revolution Slider 2.2.4 -- added woocommerce 2.0 prepared files -- fixed an issue with slashes inside custom CSS code -- fixed an issue with featured header images and responsive -- fixed an issue with IE site displaying -- fixed an issue with responsive widget -- fixed an issue with some Q Translate elements -- improved performance Version 1.5.4 -- update to revolution slider 2.2.2 -- fixed an issue with standard WP gallery Version 1.5.3 -- fixed an issue with camera slider loading issue -- fixed an issue with revolution slider on multisite installations Version 1.5.2 -- updated revolution slider 2.1.7 -- added new responsive switch widget -- added URL support for service template -- added URL support for toggles -- added custom textarea for pricing tables ( for PayPal buttons etc. ) -- added transition to service template -- fixed an issue with woo commerce shop sidebar displaying -- fixed an issue with social media widget and accessibility mode -- fixed navigation first child css issue -- fixed an issue with password protection -- fixed an issue with logo displaying on chrome browser -- fixed an issue with "jumping" navigation in chrome -- fixed an issue with portfolio error -- fixed an issue with post excerpt and Cyrillic characters -- fixed an issue with portfolio widget ( display issue ) -- fixed an issue where remote articles couldn't be loaded into the page creator Version 1.5.1 -- fixed an issue with "Add New" and WP3.5 -- update to revolution slider for WP3.5 Version 1.5 -- added woocommerce support -- added custom font manager -- update to revolution slider 2.0.5 -- fixed an issue with CTA Custom Color -- fixed an issue with author bio and qtranslate -- fixed an issue with slider and tablemanager with Windows IIS Version 1.4.2 -- update to child theme -- update to revolution slider -- added alt tags to service icons -- added aditional image cropping for blog posts -- added auto play for testimonials -- added pagination to blog box page creator -- added portfolio widget -- fixed an issue with theme updater -- fixed an issue with special character inside form creator -- fixed an issue with testimonial carousel -- fixed an issue with defaukt sidebar management -- fixed an issue with portfolio filter -- fixed an issue with QTranslate on Home Template Version 1.4.1 -- fixed an issue with multisite installations -- fixed an issue with blog meta data displaying -- fixed an issue with theme updater Version 1.4 -- update to revolution slider -- added WPML Support with official certification from WPML.org -- added portfolio filter in backend -- fixed an issue with full width carousel -- fixed an issue with CTA Button Generator -- fixed an issue with QTranslate in service toggles -- fixed an issue with footer headline box displaying -- fixed an issue with sidebar displaying in categories -- fixed an issue with menu coloring -- removed captcha code from email Version 1.3 -- added prettyphoto lightbox to standard WP Gallery -- added additional sidebar management to Page Creator, from now you are able to widgetize pages -- added Theme Auto Updater -- added responsive options to page creator - hide and show boxes on special resolutions -- added Client Box to Page Creator -- minor css changes -- fixed footer styling option -- update to child theme Version 1.2.1 - updated child theme - fixed an issue with menu custom colors Version 1.2 - fixed an issue where pagecreator was adding empty boxes after each save - minor CSS changes - added qtranslate Support - client logos at startpage are now randomized - updated documentation Version 1.1 - added "CTA" Shortcode - added "hide page" function for supersized Slider - added sample "Child Theme" - added new button colors and more button shrortcodes - fixed an issue with headline displaying - fixed a minor Issue in our Slidermanager Version 1.0 - initial Version