If you want to launch a movie database, film review, presentation of projects, films, a powerful web template with a diverse layout is what you are probably looking for. BlockBuster is one of such templates. Built with HTML5 and JavaScript , it also includes plenty of dynamic elements such as movie and TV show, sliders, and interactive maps . Its menu sticks to the top of the screen on scrolling and possesses the mega-functionality, which enables you to incorporate banners, videos, buttons, or custom HTML blocks into your menu items. Thanks to its responsiveness and cross-browser compatibility, this template will look equally good on any modern device.
Update: Version 2.0 – Add light version
Change Log
Ver 2.0 (August/18/17)
- Add ligh version
Ver 1.3 (August/04/17)
- Optimized image for speed loading - Fixed some small bugs on mobile/tablet
Ver 1.2 (July/31/17)
- Fix FireFox/Safari View more button issue
Ver 1.1 (July/03/17)
- Fix preloading effect - Fix some errors on Firefox