- 3 front pages with Flex & parallax sliders
- filterable portfolio
- full blog functionality
- toggleable top bar
- fancy pricing tables
- fully responsive on all devices
- 20 HTML templates include;
- 404 page
- front page with a small slider
- front page with full width slider
- front page with a parallax slider
- full width blog archive
- blog archive with left sidebar
- blog archive with right sidebar
- single bog page with sidebar
- contact page with working AJAX form and Google maps
- FAQ page with collapsible questions
- full width page
- page with left sidebar
- page with right sidebar
- typography showcase
- sortable portfolio in 2 columns
- sortable portfolio in 3 columns
- sortable portfolio in 4 columns
- responsive pricing tables and product details
- shortcodes showcase
- staff members in 3 columns
- working AJAX contact form
- colorpicker for unlimited color combinations
- 13 backgrounds to get you started:
- subtle
- bedge grunge
- debut light
- diagonales decalees
- diagonal waves
- gray jean
- horizontal lines
- linedpaper
- nasty fabric
- navy blue
- paper
- white wall
- wild oliva
- super easy to customize Google Maps
- parallax and Flex sliders
- powered by Twitter bootstrap
- lightbox gallery
- HTML5 valid
- note: only logo PSD is included
Demo with live options
(scan with a mobile device to see responsive design in action)
v1.05 - July 26th 2015 * prettyPhoto security fix v1.0 - December 14th 2012 * initial release