Circles- a theme that combines minimal and perfect grid design with functionality and usability.
UPDATE 1.2: Updated & Improved About Us page.
UPDATE 1.1: Bootstrap ready! 12 columns version added.
1. The PSD files were made in Adobe Photoshop CS3, and should run in any other Photoshop version.
2. There are 14 PSD files included in total, all of which are fully layered and customizable.
Contains 14 PSD files:
- Main (01_main.psd)
- Blog (02_blog.psd)
- Blog_singlepost (03_blog_singlepost)
- Gallery(04_gallery.psd)
- Gallery_single (05_gallery_single.psd)
- About(06_about.psd)
- Contacts (07_contacts.psd)
- Main_1170 (08_main_1170.psd)
- Blog_1170 (09_blog_1170.psd)
- Blog_singlepost_1170 (10_blog_singlepost_1170)
- Gallery_1170 (11_gallery_1170.psd)
- Gallery_single_1170 (12_gallery_single_1170.psd)
- About_1170 (13_about_1170.psd)
- Contacts_1170 (14_contacts_1170.psd)
- 12grid_1170 (15_12grid_1170.psd)
Technical details:
- 12 columns grid based design (
- 12 columns grid based design (
- Layered .psd for each page included, well organized, easy to customize and ready to slice
- All interactive elements (buttons, menus, text fields) are grouped in a layered .psd, which makes it easy to found and slice
- Layout width: 960px and 1170px
Fonts used in template
- “Open Sans“ More Info
- “Intro“ More Info
Icons used in template
- IconSweets2
- Image courtesy –