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Winku Social Media Network Html5 Responsive Template
Using Languages: Html5, Css3, JQuery, JavaScript’s, Nodejs, Npm installer and bootstrap4 framework inspired by FacebookThis template is beautifully designed in a very smart way to bring the best user experience that you will definitely love. in this template we especially created for all types of social media’s like Facebook, Twitter, Vk, etc. It has integrated grunt package, which makes the development process faster
Winku is a social network template that can be used to connect people. This Template offers Login page, Social Media News Feed, Image Feed, Video Feed, Chat Box, Timeline (Profile Pages), Image Album, Social Media Emoticons and lot more. The template based on the deep research on the most popular social website such as Facebook, twitter, Pinterest, etc.
Template Features:
- Clean and Creative Design
- Workable Comments
- Workable posts
- Based On 12 Column Bootstrap 4
- Grunt base files structure for optimized the page speed
- Fully Responsive on all media devices
- Retina display icons “Fontawesome” “Themify”
- Google Fonts and Maps
- Elegant Style
- Cool Typography
- Well Documented
- Excellent Support
- HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery
- Cool Emoji (Social Media Emoticons)

Customer Reviews:

Template Pages:
- Home
- landing page
- news feed
- Timeline
- timeline
- timeline friends
- timeline groups
- timeline pages
- timeline photos
- timeline videos
- favorite page
- inbox page
- groups page
- likes page
- people nearby
- account settings
- create favorite page
- edit account setting
- edit interests
- edit password
- edit profile basics
- edit work educations
- message box
- notifications page
- more pages
- 404 error page
- about
- contact
- faq’s
- Page insights
- knowledge base
- widgets
Update April 14, 2021 1- Fixed Desktop and Responsive Frontend issues.
Update April 07, 2020 1- add fontawesome 5 latest library 2- seprate index file with seprate vendor liberary. 3- fix some styling and responsive issues
Update October 06, 2019 1- Social post single/detail page added 2- Update fontawesome files. 3- fix some styling
Update August 28, 2019 1- Improve design and typography 2- Fix style and jQuery issues. 3- change images in HD qulaity
Update March 12, 2019 1- Social Admin Panel added in Download Package 2- Fix some style and jQuery issues.
Update November 22, 2018 1- sticky-sidebars http://www.wpkixx.com/html/winku/index2.html 2- Corporate Pages