JOLI is a multi-purpose landing page that you can use as your portfolio website, book presentation, application presentation and others.
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- Based on Bootstrap 3
- MailChimp subscribe form
- Fully responsive
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Valid HTML code
- Usage of LESS preprocessor
- Annotated HTML, LESS and JS code
- Working AJAX forms (PHP)
- 5 colors included
- 3 pages variations in dark and light colors
- Cool CSS animations using animate.css
- Customizable sections
- Book PSD included
Note: Images provided in demo are NOT included in bundle.
v1.0.2 (12 Mar 2017): - Fixed favicon when buttons absent on page. v1.0.1 (27 Feb 2017): - Better validation on AJAX forms. v1.0.0 (26 Feb 2017): - First release.