SuperProps offers an outstanding collection of multipurpose React Template designed by REDQ This versatile React Landing Page Template is built with React, Next JS, Style System & Styled Component, that is perfect for businesses such as agencies, portfolios, SAAS, food delivery services, nonprofit organizations, interior design firms, hosting companies, and more.
SuperProps makes it quick and simple to produce engaging landing pages that have an impact. These templates, which use Next.js and React , offer fluid performance and easy changes.
With SuperProps, you can easily create enticing landing pages for any industry while unleashing your creativity. Promote food delivery services with style, showcase your apps with creativity, support charitable causes with compassion, showcase interior design solutions with finesse, and build a strong online presence for hosting services. You can also showcase your agency’s services with ease, attract users with stunning visuals , and showcase your portfolio .
With its precise architecture and variety of pre-designed pieces and layouts, SuperProps enables you to present your products or services in a simple, appealing manner at lightning-fast speed. SuperProps’ landing page templates can assist you in enhancing your online visibility and achieving unparalleled achievement. Get ready to impress your audience with SuperProps’ stunning templates and versatile functionality.
If you want blog, please Check out our new blog template based on React, Gatsby

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Change logs
v.13.0.6-Upgraded all dependencies and devDependencies packages along with ( next js 13.5 & react 18.2.0) -Supported latest node stable version (node v20.9.0+) -Fixed some existing design issues -Fixed vercel deployment issue. -Fixed Firebase deployment issue.
-Modal component changed. -Particle Component updated. -Fixed some internal issues.
-AgencyFormal Image issue fixed. -Documentation update. -Fixed some internal issues.
-upgraded to the Next.js v12.3.1 -react v18.2 support provided. -updated all the necessary packages and configs. -Fixed all the broken links throughout the templates
New Agency Classic Demo Agency Formal hosting issue fixed.
Ride template slide broken issue fixed. App template mobile issue fixed. Portfolio demo design fixed.
Fixed login modal image issuev.12.0.3
New App Black Demov.12.0.2
New Agency Formal Demov.12.0.1
Firebase hosting issue fixed.v.12.0.0
Removed Gatsby Version on Envato's guidelinev.11.0.0
Huge updates!! - New Web App Landing Page - New Web App Minimal Landing Page - New Web App Creative Landing Page - New Saas App Dark Landing Page - New App Creative Two Landing Pagev.10.0.1
- New SaasAppCreative Landing Pagev.10.0.0
- Upgraded to Next JS Latest Version 11.1.2 - All next JS-related Package are updated. - Added Next Image for image optimization. - New Saas Creative Landing Page. - New Web App Creative Landing Page.v.9.0.1
- New Food Delivery Landing Page.v.9.0.0
-Updated to gatsby version 3. -Firebase hosting issue fixedv.8.0.1
-New App Creative landing page.
- Updated pacakge.json for gatsby js .v.8.0.0
- Removed Monorepo Depandency - Updated all packages to latest version
- New App Minimal Landing page - New Donation Landing Page - New Saas Minimal 2 Landing page.
- Firebase hosting issue fixed.
- New Saas Minimal landing page.v.6.0.0
- All packages are updated. - Warnings are fixed.v.5.0.0
- New Hostingmodern landing page. - New Agencydigital landing page.v.4.0.1
- New agencymodern landing page. - Next Js Version update. - Update in Firebase Hosting Documentation.v.4.0.0
- Component restuctured . - problem solved of sharp modules. - solving hosting related issues.v.3.3.0
- Crypto Modern Landing Page Added. - Updated Documentationv.3.2.0
- App Classic Landing Page Added. - Updated Documentationv.3.1.0
- Interior Landing Page Added. - Some css issue fixedv.3.0.1
- Charity Landing Page Added. - Next Js version updated. - Seperated container for Next JS and Gatsby Jsv.3.0.0
- Cryptocurrency Landing Page Added. - Next Js version updated. - Deployment in 'Now' - Deployment in 'Netlify'v.2.0.0
- Saas Modern, Saas Classic and Ride Sharing Landing Pages Added. - Gatsby Support Added.v1.0.2
- New Portfolio Landing Page added - Libraries updated
- Tag Changes - Library Updated
- Initial Release