Flutter Version Available (New)

Record is HTML template based on bootstrap. Suitable for singer bands and event managers. It has modern flat look with line icons and multiple skins. Template is fully Ajaxify which mean tracks will continue to play even you visit other pages. Here are some feature you may like:
- Fully Ajaxify
- Playlists Powered by WaveSurfer
- Bootstrap 4
- Development & Productions Versions
- Ready Made Widgets
- Multiple Skins
- RTL Support
- Player Position Variations
- Fully Responsive
And Much More
Rekord is easy and customizable according to your needs. Partials based system make it easy to create your own version.
Development Version & Production version included.
Documentation for almost every component is explained with code examples and variations inside the demo. For installation instruction please check documentation folder.
This is the Bootsrap4 version. For Angular or React you may need to modify template.
Files Included
Sass /CSS
/--version 1.3.1---------------------/ Updated: Gulp file now supports es6 fix: Wavesurfer console error enh: Ajax callback method added