Gitex Taxi Booking App UI Kit
is fully featured with 77 screens for iOS and Android,13 Fully-Editable PSD and 2 XD Files.
It also comes with a fully interactive & linked prototype inside the Adobe XD File to help with UX and build the app faster.
We are excited to let you know that we have launched HTML version of the PSD template you are viewing now. To see thee GITEX HTML Mobile Application please click here!
Key Features:
- 77 Premium Ready-To-Use Screens
- Available in Adobe XD and PSD Formats.
- High Resolution. 1125×2436 Resolution ~iPhone X Retina 3x
- Every element is editable
- Fully Layered, Grouped & Named appropriately
- 100% Scalable Vectors
- Roboto Font ~Apple iOS Font
- Easy to customize and edit
- Compatible with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe XD
- Well-Documented Help File
Screens Include:
Passenger’s side – 41 screen (pages)

Driver’s side – 36 Screens (pages)

Source and Credits: Fonts: Roboto, Roboto Condensed, Bebas Nue For Mac | Roboto, Roboto Condensed, Bebas Nue For Windows
Images: Unsplash