“nfresh | Food & Grocery App UI Kit for Sketch” – nfresh is a premium mobile UI Kit to help in your online food & grocery App development process. This kit comes packed with more than 54 beautifully designed screens, neatly grouped and organized accordingly to change easily all of the design. It will help you to design clear interfaces for food & grocery apps faster and easier. We have built this app UI kit using Sketch software.
Our package includes 54 well-organized screens for iOS.
nfresh | Food & Grocery Mobile App UI Kit
- Modern and Clean Design
- Awesome Unique Look
- 54+ Premium Readymade Screens
- Great Usability, Typography and User-experience
- Compatible with Sketch 52.6+
- Fully Layered, Grouped & Named appropriately
- Free Web Fonts
- Free Icon Fonts
- Well-Documented Help File
- And Much More…

Screens Included
- 01_Splash
- 02_Onboarding-1
- 03_Onboarding-2
- 04_Onboarding-3
- 05_Welcome
- 06_Sign Up
- 07_Sign In
- 08_Verify Phone Number
- 09_Phone Verification
- 10_Forgot Password
- 11_Change Password
- 12_Reset Password
- 13_Home Screen(Option-1)
- 14_Home Screen(Option-2)
- 15_Category
- 16_Search
- 17_Search-Result
- 18_Product Listing
- 19_Product Details
- 20_Shopping Cart
- 21_Shopping Cart Empty
- 22_Delivery Address
- 23_Checkout
- 24_Order Success
- 25_Order Decline
- 26_Track Order
- 27_Write a Review
- 28_Apply Filters
- 29_Reviews
- 30_User Profile
- 31_About Me
- 32_My Orders
- 33_My Payments
- 34_Credit Cards
- 35_Add New Credit Card
- 36_My Favourite
- 37_Transactions
- 38_Promocode
- 39_Promocode Details
- 40_My Address
- 41_Add New Address
- 42_Notification
- 43_Settings
- 44_Support Center
- 45_Support Center Details
- 46_Live Chat
- 47_Order Tracking Map
- 48_Pofile Menu
- 49_Review Details
- 50_Add Review Shopping
- 51_Add Review Delivery
- 52_Scan QR Code
- 53_Friends List
- 54_Followers List
Icon used
- Flaticon
Fonts used
- Raleway
Graphics used
Note: All images are used for preview purposes only. They are not part of the template and hence, not included in the final purchase files.- Vecteezy
- HiClipart
- Unsplash
- Freepik
Main Files
- 54 Screens with Sketch File
- Well Documented Help File
Software Version
- Compatible with Sketch 52.6+
How To Edit Sketch File
Sketch is a Mac-specific application that handles graphic design similarly to Photoshop. With the Sketch software on your Mac, you can easily double-click the file to open it in Sketch. However, if you’re using a Mac and don’t have Sketch, you can download a 30-day trial of the application.
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