Kindergarten is based on Bootstrap 3 and designed for kindergarten/pre-school/nursery.

- Bootstrap 3, 100% responsive, Retina-Ready;
- All the illustrations are editable vectors;
- The logo is 100% editable text;
- 12 psd files included (6 @1x for normal displays and 6 @2x for retina displays) + 2 psd files with the background texture (@1x and @2x);
- Working contact form;
- Google Maps app;

V 7.0 [18.10.2016]
Minor css bugfix.
V 6.0 [16.06.2015]
Updated PrettyPhoto to 3.1.6
V 5.0
Updated Documentation; Made the slider visible on smaller mobile resolutions; Added CSS Table of Contents.
V 4.0
Replaced menu/titles font (BD Cartoon Shout) with Dimbo for diacritics support. Added alternate font for cyrillic. Added Subject field in the contact form.
V 3.0
Added sub-menu for main nav.
V 2.0
Updated Documentation; Fixed background-size (lined-paper) on Retina.
V 1.0
Initial release.