Kindori PSD is a Kindergarten and Day Care PSD template for Kindergarten, pre-school,day care services or primary school, montessori schools, etc. Our designers are creative artists who also are parents and work in the education field so we know what element should and shouldn’t be in a Kindergarten template. Therefore, if you are out looking for a great Preschool, Primary School, Kindergarten and Day Care template for your website, Kindori is definitely the right choice.
This template has following layered PSD files:
- home 1.psd
- home 2.psd
- about us.psd
- classes.psd
- classes single.psd
- event.psd
- event detail.psd
- programs.psd
- teacher.psd
- teacher single.psd
- enrollment.psd
- blog.psd
- blog single.psd
- pricing.psd
- 404.psd
- contact us.psd
- gallery.psd
- testimonials.psd