Townhub -Directory & Listing Template
A “ Townhub – Directory & Listing Template” is perfect if you like a clean and modern design. Townhub is a listing directory template that will help you create, manage and monetize a local or global directory site.
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Main features:
- 5 different style home pages: Parallax image, Map, Slider, Slideshow, and Video (Vimeo, html5, or youtube )
- Creative unique design
- User Admin Dashboard
- 6 different Listings pages + 4 different Listings Single pages
- Powerfull unique parallax effects
- Fully responsive
- Font Awesome 5 pro (5500 + icons)
- Video background (Youtube, Vimeo, Hosted)
- Fully responsive
- Working Ajax PHP contact
- Working Ajax subscribe form
- Touch and swipe support…
- and more ...
- Easing
- Font Awesome 5 pro
- Swiper
- Isotope
- Ligth gallery
- Shutterstock
Images used in the demo are not included in the archive of the – for the license restrictions. They are replaced by dummy placeholders.
Updates / Changelog
Optimized javascript - update the file jquery.min.js
Updated contact form (compatibility with PHP version 8+) - update the file contact.php
Jquery updated for the last version - update file jquery.min.js
-- 27.01.2023 --
Fixed Twitter bug- update file plugins.js scripts.js and style.css add folder "Twitter" and read the documentation.
-- 21.01.2023 --
Fixed Vimeo video playback error due to HTTP protocol - update file plugins.js.
-- 15.10.2022 --
Added support for video background playback for mobile devices
-- 22.05.2022 --
Optimized CSS code. Update file style.css
-- 01.09.2021 --
Fixed Responsive errors - update file scipts.js.
-- 08.06.2021 --
1. Improved upload forms. Update file scripts.js, style.css, and HTML code.
-- 20.03.2021 --
1. Updated subscription plugin. Update file scripts.js and read the documentation.
-- 25.12.2020 --
1. Updated RTL version - update file scripts.js and plugins.css
2. Updated file upload form- Update file style.css and scripts.js and HTML code.
-- 03.11.2020 --
Fixed CSS errors - update file style.css.
-- 11.08.2020 --
Updated page: add-listing.
-- 29.07.2020 --
Fixed responsive errors. Update file style.css
-- 10.07.2020 --
Jquery updated for the last version 3.5.1- update file jquery.min.js and file scripts.js
-- 27.05.2020 --
Added a submenu to the Dashboard menu.
Update file dashboard-style.css and dashboard.js.
Fixed CSS errors - update file style.css.
Fixed Geolocation bug - update file scripts.js
-- 23.05.2020 --
Fixed menu bug.
Update file style.css and scripts.js.
-- 15.05.2020 --
Added Login-Sign single page.
Updated file upload form
Update file style.css color.css and scripts.js.
-- 05.05.2020 --
Added RTL version
Fixed small bugs - updated file style.css.