Elevate Your Ecommerce Game with PickBazar – React Ecommerce Template with React Hooks, Next JS, GraphQL & REST API
Looking to create an exceptional online shopping experience? Dive into the world of React ecommerce with PickBazar, the epitome of excellence in ecommerce templates. Crafted to perfection, this dynamic react ecommerce template seamlessly integrates the power of Next JS, GraphQL, and REST API to deliver unparalleled performance.
Empower your business with a frontend template that captivates, and an admin dashboard that simplifies. From a vibrant online shop to a specialized grocery shop, PickBazar caters effortlessly to multivendor environments, enabling a seamless marketplace for diverse products like Grocery, Bakery, makeup, Daily needs, Cloth and Fashionwear, books, accessories, and more.
Our super-fast E-commerce template was made to help anyone start their very own online store at ease. Built with React, NextJS, TypeScript, GraphQL, Nest JS & Tailwind CSS, our template promises to deliver an interface for your business that is quick and easy to set up! For GraphQL we used GraphQL and Nest JS, you can build your schema very easily. GraphQL playground makes its own documentation, your frontend team will love using it. We have added REST API integration with React Query for the customers who had already a REST-based backend for remote data fetching. It also has multi-language support .
Experience swift online delivery mechanisms and tap into the success of one of the best-selling react ecommerce template in market with efficient customer support team. With its multipurpose design PickBazar ensures your venture conquers every niche. Step into the future of ecommerce shop today!
Pickbazar Laravel Version

Admin Login
email: admin@demo.com password: demodemo
Vendor Login
email: store_owner@demo.com password: password
Customer Login
email: customer@demo.com password: demodemo

Chekout Our New Item!

Our Awesome Products

Change Log
v11.10.01 23rd January 2025-GraphQL installation now supports smooth installation [Enhancement] - Various bug fixes.v11.10.0 19th November 2024
- Upgraded Admin to Next.js, along with all associated packages for improved performance and compatibility.[Enhancement] - Upgraded Shop to Next.js, updating all dependencies for enhanced stability and features.[Enhancement] - Public Product visibility bug fix [Bug fix]v11.9.0 15th August 2024
- Added "Become a Seller" functionality with dedicated pages [New Feature] - Implemented multi-commission support for different commission rates [New Feature] - Shop Ownership Transfer added [New Feature] - Shop Maintenance added [New Feature] - Email notification to verified purchased customer [New Feature] -Transferred shop request status update functionality update [New Feature] -Toasts issue fixed in shop update [issue fixed] - UI bug fixes [Bug Fix]v11.8.0 13th February 2024
-Tool tips for marvel-admin area [New feature] -Customer review Pop-up feature after successful order.[New feature] -New rating procedure[New feature] -Settings save confirmation. [New feature] -Coupon grid display issue in shop end.[Bug fix] -Type dropdown closing issue fix[Bug fix] -Percentage base coupon validation issue in admin end[Bug fix] -Responsive device sidebar toogle issue.[Bug fix]v11.7.0 10th January 2024
-Text editor support [New Feature] -Popup Banner [New Feature]v11.6.0 27th December 2023
-Introduced "Enable coupons for vendors" switch to the settings. [Enhancement] -Exclusive inclusion of coupon offers for Verified (Authorized) customers. [Enhancement] -Empowered vendors to request the addition of their products to the Flash sale. [Enhancement] -Additional product filtering for Flash sale. [Enhancement]v11.5.0 11th December 2023
-App maintenance Mode [New Feature] ---> Product import/export with Categories, Authors, Manufacturers, tags relational data [New Feature] -Homepage Layout enhanced [Enhancement] -Digital file reuploading issue and other minor fixed [issue fix] -Product card issue fixed [issue fix]v11.0.0 24th November 2023
- Dashboard analytics section updated along with new analytics widgets [New Feature]. - Product Preview system added[New Feature]. - Flash sale builder added[New Feature]. - Terms & Conditions, Refund Policy, Refund reason, and FAQs builder added[New Feature]. - New filter option added in different routes [New Feature]. - New Dashboard topbar [New Feature]. - With route searching - Shop redirection & creating - Order, Store notice & messaging dropdown bar - New Profile navigation - Two new demos Added [Enhancement]. - One new product grid for flash deals [Enhancement]. - Pickbazar both Admin and shop design facelift [Enhancement]. - Pickbazar vendor and staff dashboard design facelift [Enhancement]. - Pickbazar shop Menu items and Footer updated [Enhancement]. - Settings page is divided into multiple parts [Enhancement]. - User, Shop, and Products sections are divided into multiple layers for better management [Enhancement]. - Documentation updated [Enhancement]. - Internal bug fixes for both Shop and Admin [Bug Fix]v10.2.0 11th September 2023
- Search Nearby shops using Google map[New Feature] - External Product Support Added [New Feature] - Shop Address autocomplete using Google map [New Feature] - Sorting and filtering bug fixes for both Rest and Graphql [Bug Fix]v10.1.0 2nd August 2023
-Added Multi payment support -AI Modal support in every possible description like Create Shop → Description, Create Manufacturer/Publication → Description, Create New Category → Details, Add Tag → Details, Create Author → Bio, Create Author → Quote, Create New Coupon → Bio, Create New Coupon → Description, Settings → Meta Description, Settings → OG Description -Added Country wise currency formation support -Order Note attribute added for Order -Video Preview in Single Product view page -Added Enable AI Switch and AI Provider Dropdown in Settings -Added multiple payment provider selection in Settingsv10.0.0 4th April 2023
- Add Dashboard Menu message for admin, store owner. - Add Admin dashboard store notice CRUD for specific vendor/ All - Upgraded Pickbazar Admin to Next JS 13 & all other packages - Upgraded Pickbazar Shop to Next JS 13 & updated all other packages - Added Email verification for all user - Added Must verify email switch in the settingv9.0.0 13th January 2023
- Restructure the entire payment gateway system - Added Stripe (Intent Based) and PayPal payment gateway [frontend] - Added card management feature - Added option to disable cash on delivery system - Added name input options for guest checkout - Added percentage, free-shipping coupon option - Added automatic free-shipping coupon option - Added option to set a minimum amount for coupon - Display customer name for guest checkout - Removed old manual status dashboardv8.3.0 24th November 2022
- Added automated script for deployment - Documentation updatedv8.2.0 25th October 2022
- Added product slug edit feature - Fixed product status overlapping issue - Fixed product export button URL issue - Fixed the dashboard's recent withdrawal issue - Fixed negative subtotal for couponv8.1.0 23rd August 2022
- Updated mock api NestJS to v9 - Updated mock api packages - Updated JSON data - Fixed dashboard recent withdrawal endpoint issue - Fixed admin profile image update endpoint issue - Fixed vendor item edit path issue - Fixed translation text issue - Fixed backend order address responsive issuev8.0.0 1st August 2022
- Introduced Review support for products - Introduced Report abusive Review - Introduced Review Feedback - Introduced Question and Answer support for products - Introduced Q&A Feedback - Introduced Wishlist support - Introduced My Wishlist page - Introduced my question page - Introduced my report page - Introduced order export support - Multilingual support added - Added variation support for review - Out of stock notice - Added toast notification after payment confirmation - Order page selection issue Fixed - Safari and Firefox scroll issue Fixed - Packages version is locked to A Fixed version - Fixed OTP form issue - Fixed route issue - Fixed zip upload placeholder issue - Fixed logout issue for mobile device - Fixed export-import issue - Fixed file upload security issue - Fixed withdraw form balance issue - Fixed book demo search page broken issue - Fixed few minor bugsv7.0.0 17th February 2022
- Upgrade shop component to tailwind 3 - Upgrade shop packages - Fixed a few minor bugs - Guest checkout support provided - Enable/Disable OTP in checkout option in admin settings - Restructured order details page. - Digital Product support for both simple and variable product - New Book Demo introduced for digital download - Digital checkout page introduced - New search page introduced - Email newsletter subscription - Digital file download option - Backend order support - Variation specific image support - External product support - Author and Manufacturer support for products - Author and Manufacturer Archive page - Author and Manufacturer details page - Rest vendor permission issue fixed - Super admin role user creation issue fixed20th October
version: 6.1.0 1. Introduced new Layout(Daily Needs). 2. Moved sorting to table column in admin. 3. Wallet points added. 4. Added refunds using wallet points. 5. SignUp wallet points.18th September
version: 6.0.0 (Breaking Changes) 1. Multivendor Support added. 2. Added Variable Product support 3. Replaced CRA by nextjs at admin 4. Replaced BaseUI from admin by tailwindcss 5. Replaced formik from client by react-hook-form 6. Replaced styled-components from client by tailwindcss 7. Replaced SWR by react-query at client rest 8. Introduced new admin layout and new admin pages 9. Introduced new shop layout and new pages 10. Removed restaurant layout and pages 11. Removed books and medicine pages 12. Replaced TypeGraphQL API by NestJS GraphQL API(Dummy) 13. Added NestJS REST API(Dummy)15th April
version: 5.0.2 1. packages update. 2. Fixed some previous issues.3rd April
version:5.0.1 1. packages update.28th November
version:5.0.0 1. Minor issues fixed from the previous update5th November
version:5.0.0 1. All packages are updated. 2. Added a new product card. 3. Fixed some previous issues.24th September
version: 4.0.0 1. 3 new demo added (Bakery, Grocery and Furniture) 2. Some css issue fixed31st August
version: 3.2.1 1. Improved some code and fixed some design issues.20th August
version: 3.2.0 1. Added Separate Restaurant package. 2. Introduced New Mobile layout. 3. Fixed some code and design issues.30th july
version: 3.1.1 1. Bumped dependency (nextjs v9.5). 2. Added online documentation. 3. Fixed some code and design issues.25th july
version: 3.1.0 1. Updated Apollo V3 2. Shop Rest API integration (shop-rest) package added. 3. fixed some coding and design issues.18th july
version: 3.0.3 1. introduced site-settings folder for easy site configurations. 2. changed theme configurations for better customizations. 3. improved some component's structure. 4. improved some design facts. 5. improved internationalization naming. 6. replaced google fonts CDN by typeface. 7. added placeholder for empty cart. 8. fixed api data.5th july
1. Fixed some console's warning and drawer issue.30th June
version: 3.0.1 1. Moved apollo client config to SSG 2. Added service and terms, privacy policy page. 3. Fixed some console's warning. 4. Dynamic import for better code chunking. 5. Updated stripe integration to new hook base packages (replace react-stripe-elements by @stripe/stripe-js and @stripe/react-stripe-js). 6. Replaced react-moment and moment by dayjs.16th June
version: 3.0.0 -removed redundant react import in favor of nextjs -introduced src folder to consist with common development standard. -new folder structure (as our growing codebase we need to provide some easy pattern so that our customers can easily customize their needs). -provided easy to use svg component through restructuring and decoupling (custom svg). -introduced ENV variables through .env file(because using .env is a regular development pattern and nextjs also introduce default support for .env files). -removed nextjs aliasing in favor of nextjs build in typescript path support. -introduced dynamic page routing for product pages.6th June
- updated all dependency packages. - removed isomorphic-unfetch package in favour of nextjs 9.4+ - Some Improvements of code.20th may
1. Added brand new food/restaurant layout. 2. Improvements of code.5th May
1. fixed some redirection links and some improvements of code .22 Aprill
version: 2.0.2 1. All packages updated. 2. Added SEO component for better SEO 3. Removed next-css plugin in favor of default css support on nextjs 4. Removed next-fonts 5. Added new medicine demo 6. Added new checkout page 7. improved code structure10 Aprill
1. Typescript error fixed.21 March
1. All package updated. 2. Shop & admin hosting issues fixed. 3. Some minor bug and css issues are fixed.17 February
1. Fixed some bugs on admin 2. Updated some libraries05 February
1. New Layouts (Book & Furniture) added 2. Multilang support provided 3. RTL support provided 4. Issues Fixed 5. Libraries Updated