Bucket Admin is a premium admin dashboard template with flat design concept. Flat color, Customized Chart, Easy to customize and developer friendly code. It is fully responsive admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap 3+ Framework, HTML5 and CSS3, Media query, touch friendly and very much adaptive with any size viewport including iPhone, iPad, android phone and tablet. It has a huge collection of reusable UI components and integrated with latest jQuery plugins. It can be used for all type of web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard, application backend, CMS, CRM. A large number of widget are included here to make your application rich & robust.
Change Log
ver 1.7
--------------------------------------------- ver 1.7 Released (7th November 2017) UPGRADE: -------------------------- [+] Bootstrap 3.3.7 ISSUE FIX: -------------------------- [+] Flot Chart ( Donut and Pie ) Retina / Responsive devices issue
ver 1.6
--------------------------------------------- UPGRADE: -------------------------- [+] Bootstrap 3.3.5 [+] jQuery v1.11.3 ISSUE FIX: -------------------------- [+] Minor css issues fixed.
ver 1.5
--------------------------------------------- UPGRADE: -------------------------- [+] Bootstrap 3.3.2 ISSUE FIX: -------------------------- [+] Draggable Portlet dragging issue [+] Minor css issues fixed.
Emergency Update
--------------------------------------------- Released (23 March 2014) ISSUE FIX: -------------------------- [+] Minor css issues fixed.
Change Log
Emergency Update
--------------------------------------------- Released (4 March 2014) Update: ------------------------- [+] Refactored files and folder structure [+] Refactored scrpits.js and dashboard.js New page and component: ------------------------- [+] Typography [+] Initial collapse bar in general page. ISSUE FIX: -------------------------- [+] Invoice Print view. [+] Pagination active color [+] Minor css issues fixed.
ver 1.4
--------------------------------------------- ver 1.4 Released (9 February 2014) Upgrade: ========================= [+] Bootstrap 3.1.0 New page: ------------------------- [+] Media Gallery ISSUE FIX [+] Lock screen png avatar issue. [+] Invoice Print view. [+] Mail Inbox menu select issue. [+] Minor css issues fixed.
ver 1.3
--------------------------------------------- ver 1.3 Released (3rd February 2014) # Update In This Release: ========================= NEW PAGES INCLUDED [+] Mail Compose. [+] Mail Details. ------------------------- ENHANCEMENT [+] Select2 included in advance form components page. [+] Inline editor included. [+] Nicescroll included. ------------------------- ISSUE FIX [+] Lock screen responsive view. [+] Minor css issues fixed. [+] Scroll responsive issue fixed.
ver 1.2
--------------------------------------------- ver 1.2 Released (26th January 2014) # Update In This Release: ========================= [+] 11 PSD files included. [+] Minor responsive issue fixed. [+] Inline editor included. [+] CKE editor included. [+] Minor dynamic table issue fixed. [+] Minor css issues fixed. [+] Google map included in profile contact tab.
ver 1.1
--------------------------------------------- ver 1.1 Released (24th January 2014) # Update In This Release: ================= [+] Responsiveness issue fixed for smaller device [+] Navigation bug fixed for smaller devices and chart area [+] Replaced the regular scrollbar with a versatile one [+] Minor CSS issues fixed
Initial Release
--------------------------------------------- Initial Release (21st January 2014) ---------------------------------------------

Full Features
- Built with Bootstrap 3.3.2
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Flat UI with clean style
- Latest jQuery v1.10.2
- Fully Responsive & Interactive
- Mobile widgets
- Huge Components
- Boxed View
- jQuery NiceScroll
- jQuery Sparklines
- Morris Chart
- Chartjs
- C3js chart
- Flot Chart
- Gauge
- jQuery Easy Pie Chart
- jquery-validation-1.11.1
- Date, datetime, time, date range & color Picker(Bootstrap Date, datetime, time, date range & color Picker)
- WYSIHTML5 Editor
- Multiple/Dual select
- Spinner
- Integrated Full Calendar(jQuery Full Calendar)
- Notifications(jQuery Gritter)
- Tree
- Nestable
- Bootstrap FuelUX Tree
- Google Maps
- Vector Maps
- Form Component
- Form wizard
- Form Validation
- Dropzone File Upload
- jQuery ScrollTo
- Slider
- jQuery Tagsinput
- Bootstrap Switch
- Dynamic Table
- Responsive Table
- Advanced Table
- Editable Table
- Font Awesome 4.0.3
- Ico Moon icon font
- Custom Radiobutton, Checkbox
- Well structured code
- Detailed Documentation
Happy Clients
I want to congratulate you for the attention you are giving to the comments. You did not leave a comment responding until now. great job!
Amazing support by the Author… Thank you man. I put 5 stars long time ago.
Awesome, loving it so far! Looking forward to the updates.