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If you are looking for a creative & modern website template to sell diversified products, grab Leo Bodoni multiple stores now!
Leo Bodoni Prestashop Wine theme is an amazing Prestashop 1.7 with vintage design style and advanced theme features. Leo Bodoni comes with 05+ exclusive homepage layout demos, which are perfect for wine store, winery, beverage, drink, alcohol, pubs, grape farm, organic agriculture, wine and restaurant, brewery, or any other wine-related products.
Leo Bodoni is very easy to use and customize with powerful theme customization. Being built with the best Ap Page builder, you can easily manage or build your web page content or layout just by some drag and drop. This premium Prestashop theme is also blended with powerful Prestashop modules like Leo mega menu, Leo Slideshow, Leo feature, Leo Popup Sale Pro, Leo Feature, etc, which saves you a lot of time and money to have a professional wine online shop.
In addition, this winery Prestashop theme is optimized for SEO, fast-loading time, and built with the latest technologies. It supports RTL languages and layouts, multiple currencies which helps you to open your customer network and sell your products internationally.
It’s time to experience Leo Bodoni theme’s demos and grab it for your website now!
# Leo Bodoni Perfect Prestashop Wine Theme
Leo Bodoni stunning look and rich-function, perfect Prestashop Wine Theme for any drink store, beverage, alcohol, wine shops, bars, pubs, clubs, vineyards, breweries, wineries, grape farms, organic agriculture, wine and restaurant, etc.

# 05+ vintage homepage demos for wine store
Leo Bodoni comes with 05+ unique homepage layouts in vintage styles. So you can freely pick up whatever homepage you love most for your wine shop’s appearance. With 1-click-installation, you can get your website the same as the demo or switch to another homepage layout at any time.

# Splendid blog space
Leo Bodoni wine theme is beautifully made for the blog page. It not only provides an attractive interface for selling products, it also offers you vanish blogging space to engage more customers with useful articles. Thanks to the Leo Blog Prestashop module, you can easily manage blog posts or comments in the admin panel.

# Well-built shop page layout
This premium wine store theme is attentively made with a shop page. Numerous types of beverages or drinks of your wine shop will be organized impressively. With a competent filter system, you can easily find out the wanted products in seconds.

# Numerous product details page layout
Bodoni comes with 07+ styles for the product details page. Each style is unique and effective for you to present your product information to your customers.

# Leading customization with Ap Page Builder
Built on the no.1 drag-n-drop Ap Page builder module, Bodoni winery theme allows you to customize, modify, make any changes for your web shop just by some simple drag and drop operation. The intuitive backend panel permits you to build your website content with zero-code requirement.

# Various ready-to-use inner pages
Bodoni provides you with numerous ready-to-use inner pages like Contact us, About us, Our stores, Delivery, Login, 404, Terms and Conditions, etc

# Smart testimonials
Leo Bodoni wine Prestashop theme knows how to help you get more sales from your customers. With smart testimonials, Leo Bodoni builds your customer’s confidence in placing the very first order on your website.
# Stunning look on any devices
Bodoni Prestashop Wine theme is optimized for mobile so it looks great and highly customizable on any devices like laptop, tablet, mobile phone, desktop, etc. Your customer can access your online wine store from any hand-held device with the most pleasant experience.

# Clever Popup Sale notification
Being integrated with Leo Popup Sale Pro Module, Bodoni cleverly displays popup sale notifications for recently purchased items. This is a great marketing tool when you want to promote one or many items on your website, boosting sales effectively.
# Powerful Prestashop Modules bundled
Bodoni is not only impressive by its stunning design, but it’s also outstanding by its rich built-in features. With powerful Prestashop modules bundled, Leo Bodoni wine theme saves you a lot of money and time in building a professional web shop.

# Complete eCommerce solution
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Highlight Outstanding Features
- 05+ vintage homepage demos for wine store
- Intuitive Mobile Friendly
- Empower your website with powerful Prestashop modules
- Powerful Page Builder – Ap Page Builde
- Attractive Dropdown Mega menu
- Numerous pre-made inner and functional pages
- 06+ Shopping Page Layouts
- 07+ Product Details page
- Clever Popup Sale notification
- Attractive Lookbooks
- Powerful Filter Systems
- Awesome Ajax Search
- Stunning Blogging Space
- Easy change color template width via the Live theme editor Module.
- Can add code css, js in backoffice
- This Template compatible with Prestashop 1.7.x
- We translate template to 6 languages.
- Fully compatible IE10+, Firefox 2+, Firefox 3, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5, Chrome.
- Page builder Module: drag and drop, short code, landing page creator, custom field for product and category.
- Product list builder in home page and category page, create product item for Desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile phone.
- Product detail builder and support 7+ product layouts , create product page for Desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile phone.
- Product image thumbs bottom
- Product image thumbs left
- Product image thumbs right
- Product image no thumbs
- Product image no thumbs center
- Product image no thumbs fullwidth
- Product image gallery
- Live edit theme: change background, text color, header and footer style
- Mega menu module, blog module, responsive slideshow, video slideshow.
- Fly cart, wishlist, add to compare, product tab, ajax search.
- Search in blog and button share
- Css3, SVG icons used.
- Product Slider/Grid home page and category page
- Look book module, product gallery module
- Social block: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest.
- Maximum load speed for google speed, SEO Optimization.
- RTL and multiple language support
- This Template is designed for desktop, all tablet and mobile devices
- Colours Themes support (Yellow, Blue, Pink…) and Multiple header style
- Template support for Jquery Effects, css 3. Multiples modules suffix’s build-in template for module styling.
- Impressive built-in content style.
- SEO Optization & High Conversion Rate
- Supports multiple layout options, configured within from back-office.
- Easy to add custom html module, special, new, home feature via Leo Manage Widget Module
- Support for native language file translation.
- Video Leo Framework
Our Support Chanel:
Change log:
Version 1.0.0 (Prestashop
Version 1782
Module and file change in version in folder theme
****templates change: *** Js file change in theme assets\theme.js assets\js\error.js *** Tpl folder module in theme modules\blockreassurance\views\templates\hook\blockreassurance.tpl modules\contactform\views\templates\widget\contactform.tpl modules\ps_advertising\ps_advertising.tpl modules\ps_banner\ps_banner.tpl ps_brandlist\views\templates\hook\ps_brandlist.tpl ps_contactinfo\nav.tpl modules\ps_contactinfo\ps_contactinfo.tpl modules\ps_contactinfo\ps_contactinfo-rich.tpl modules\ps_categorytree\views\templates\hook\ps_categorytree.tpl modules\ps_currencyselector\ps_currencyselector.tpl modules\ps_customersignin\ps_customersignin.tpl modules\ps_emailsubscription\views\templates\hook\ps_emailsubscription.tpl modules\ps_emailsubscription\views\templates\hook\ps_emailsubscription-column.tpl modules\ps_linklist\views\templates\hook\linkblock-column.tpl modules\ps_linklist\views\templates\hook\linkblock.tpl modules\ps_sharebuttons\views\templates\hook\ps_sharebuttons.tpl modules\ps_shoppingcart\modal.tpl modules\ps_shoppingcart\ps_shoppingcart.tpl *** Tpl folder Template in theme templates\_partials\form-fields.tpl templates\_partials\head.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\miniatures\brand.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\miniatures\category.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\miniatures\pack-product.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\miniatures\product.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\category-header.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\facets.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-additional-info.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-add-to-cart.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-cover-thumbnails.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-cover-thumbnails.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-customization.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-details.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-discounts.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-flags.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-images-modal.tpl classic\templates\catalog\_partials\productlist.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-prices.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\products-top.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-variants.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\quickview.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\sort-orders.tpl templates\catalog\listing\product-list.tpl templates\catalog\listing\category.tpl templates\catalog\listing\product-list.tpl templates\catalog\listing\search.tpl templates\catalog\product.tpl templates/sub/product_info/tab.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\steps\addresses.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\steps\checkout-step.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\steps\payment.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\steps\shipping.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\steps\unreachable.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\address-form.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\address-selector-block.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-detailed-actions.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-detailed-product-line.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-detailed-totals.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-summary.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-summary-product-line.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-summary-subtotals.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-summary-totals.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-voucher.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\customer-form.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\order-confirmation-table.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\order-final-summary.tpl templates\checkout\checkout.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\header.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\footer.tpl templates\checkout\order-confirmation.tpl templates\cms\_partials\sitemap-nested-list.tpl templates\cms\stores.tpl templates\customer\_partials\customer-form.tpl templates\customer\_partials\login-form.tpl templates\customer\_partials\order-detail-no-return.tpl templates\customer\_partials\order-detail-return.tpl templates\customer\guest-login.tpl templates\customer\guest-tracking.tpl templates\customer\my-account.tpl templates\customer\order-return.tpl templates\customer\password-email.tpl templates\errors\404.tpl templates\errors\maintenance.tpl templates\errors\not-found.tpl templates\errors\restricted-country.tpl templates\layouts\layout-both-columns.tpl templates\layouts\layout-content-only.tpl templates\layouts\layout-full-width.tpl templates\layouts\layout-left-column.tpl templates\layouts\layout-right-column.tpl *** New folder templates\_partials\microdata *** New file templates\_partials\pagination-seo.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\subcategories.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-summary-products.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-summary-top.tpl modules\ps_imageslider\views\templates\hook\slider.tpl
Version 8.0
****templates change: -List file change config\theme.yml assets\js\theme.js modules\ps_categorytree\views\templates\hook\ps_categorytree.tpl modules\ps_contactinfo\nav.tpl modules\ps_contactinfo\ps_contactinfo.tpl modules\ps_customeraccountlinks\ps_customeraccountlinks.tpl modules\ps_customersignin\ps_customersignin.tpl modules\ps_imageslider\views\templates\hook\slider.tpl templates\_partials\microdata\head-jsonld.tpl templates\_partials\microdata\product-jsonld.tpl templates\_partials\form-fields.tpl templates\_partials\notifications.tpl templates\_partials\pagination.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-customization.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-prices.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\subcategories.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\miniatures\pack-product.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\miniatures\product.tpl templates\catalog\listing\category.tpl templates\catalog\listing\product-list.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-summary-totals.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\order-confirmation-table.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\order-final-summary.tpl templates\checkout\cart.tpl templates\checkout\cart-empty.tpl templates\checkout\order-confirmation.tpl templates\customer\_partials\customer-form.tpl templates\customer\_partials\order-detail-no-return.tpl templates\customer\_partials\order-detail-return.tpl templates\customer\_partials\order-messages.tpl templates\customer\addresses.tpl \templates\customer\discount.tpl \templates\customer\guest-tracking.tpl templates\customer\history.tpl templates\customer\order-detail.tpl templates\customer\order-follow.tpl templates\customer\order-slip.tpl templates\errors\forbidden.tpl templates\layouts\layout-both-columns.tpl templates\layouts\layout-error.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\steps\payment.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\steps\addresses.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-detailed-product-line.tpl -New file templates\customer\_partials\account-transformation-form.tpl templates\errors\410.tpl templates\_partials\password-policy-template.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\category-footer.tpl assets\js\thirdPartyNotice.json -Copy all folder our module in dependencies/modules/ to replace for folder old module in public_html /modules
Version 8.0.1
This version have not change file in folder theme compare to version 8.0
Version 8.1.1
****templates change: assets\js\theme.js assets\js\thirdPartyNotice.json *** File tpl change templates\catalog\_partials\miniatures\category.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\miniatures\pack-product.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\miniatures\product.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\category-header.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-cover-thumbnails.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\product-images-modal.tpl templates\catalog\_partials\subcategories.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\steps\addresses.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-detailed-product-line.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\cart-summary-product-line.tpl templates\checkout\_partials\order-confirmation-table.tpl templates\cms\stores.tpl templates\customer\discount.tpl templates\layouts\layout-both-columns.tpl *** module update please copy all folders our module in dependencies/modules/ then replace for folder old module in public_html /modules