Bracket is yet another New Bootstrap 4 Admin Template with jQuery plugins that is perfect for your next projects. It provides an easy to use modern and flat user interface design and a fully responsive layout that is compatible with handheld devices such as phones and tablets.
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- Built using Bootstrap 4
- Valid HTML5 and CSS 3
- SASS Support
- Clean and Modern Design
- Fully Responsive and Retina Ready
- Graphs – Flot, Morris and Sparkline, etc.
- Email Template
- Forms
- Enhanced Checkboxes
- Enhanced Select using jQuery Chosen
- Toggle Switches
- Time Picker
- Date Picker
- Form Validation
- Form Wizard
- WYSIHTML5 Editor
- UI Elements
- Buttons & Icons
- Typography
- Alerts & Notifications
- Tabs & Accordions
- Modals
- Sliders
- Graphs & Charts
- Panels & Widgets
- and much more
- Tables
- Maps – Gmaps and JQVMap
- Pages
- Asset Manager
- 404 Page
- Sign Up Page
- Sign In
- Sign Up
Change Log
Version 2.0 - November 22, 2017 * Added: Bootstrap 4 Version (Everything New) Version 1.5 - October 03, 2014 * Added: 5 New Color Skins * Added: Select2 * Added: X Editable * Fixed: RTL Sticky Header * Added: RTL Subtitle moved to new line * Updated: Bootstrap to version 3.2 Version 1.4 - June 05, 2014 * Added: RTL (Right To Left) Support * Added: LESS Support * Added: Bug Tracker Pages (3 HTML Pages) * Added: Weather Icons (92 icons) * Added: Colored Head Tables * Updated: Upgraded Bootstrap to version 3.1.1 * Updated: Font Awesome update to 4.1 with 71 new icons * Fixed: Keypad disappears when doing search in mobile Version 1.3 - March 24, 2014 * Added: Fixed Width w/ Top Menu * Added: Fixed Width w/o Sidebar * Added: Inline Editing using CKEditor * Added: Replace DIV Element to Text Editor (CKEditor) * Added: Code Editor (by CodeMirror) * Added: PSD UI Kit (more will be added soon) * Added: Content Slider Box Widget Using Bootstrap Carousel * Added: Compose Email * Added: More modal examples (tab modal, accordion modal, photo viewer, modal sizes) * Fixed: jQuery Chosen not working in signup page * Fixed: File name overlap in file manager Version 1.2 - March 01, 2014 * Added: Touch support for Sliders * Added: Touch support for Calendar Event * Added: Horizontal Menu * Added: Horizontal Menu with Sidebar * Added: Fixed Width (Box) Page * Added: To-Do List Widget * Fixed: Extra 1px of top header when left bar is collapsed * Fixed: Pop-out menus underneath to other elements when left bar is collapsed * Fixed: showTooltip undefined error in Dashboard page * Fixed: Overlapping layers of blog list page when clicking chat list icon Version 1.1 - February 20, 2014 * Fixed: Collapsed Menu Issue - showing sub menu in collapsed mode * Fixed: Logo not showing in enabling sticky leftpanel * Added: Font Options - to change font of your choice
- Bootstrap
- IconSweets 2 – Free Icons by YummyGum
- Font Awesome Icons by Font Awesome
- jQuery by John Resig
- jQuery UI
- Full Calendar by Adam Shaw
- Flot Charts
- Gritter for jQuery (Growl) by Jordan Boesch
- Lato Font by SIL
- Bootstrap Time Picker by Joris de Wit
- Bootstrap Wizard by Vincent Gabriel & Jason Gill
- Bootstrap WYSIWYG by James Hollingworth
- jQuery Chosen by Harvest
- Color Picker by Stefan Petre
- Dropzone by Matias Meno
- GMaps by Gustavo Leon
- Holder JS by Ivan Malopinsky
- jVector Map by Kirill Lebedev
- jQuery Cookie by Klaus Hartl
- jQuery Data Tables by Allan Jardine
- Masked Input by Josh Bush
- prettyPhoto by Stephane Caron
- jQuery Sparkline
- jQuery Form Validation by Jorn Zaefferer
- Masonry by David DeSandro
- Modernizr
- Morris Charts by Olly Smith
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