“Foodtruck.” Streetfood Template comes as a One-Pager and Multi-Page Wordpress Theme
Please hit the Screenshot Button for a preview of all pages and Styles.
This template is meant to be used by all Foodtruckers, Streetvendors and small food businesses around the world.
Simply impress your audience with this fully featured Wordpress slick design.
Premium Plugins included:

6.0 (07.03.2022) - feature: Added compatibility with WooCommerce Square plugin. - update: Theme is now using WPBakery Page Builder 6.1 - update: Theme is now using Size guide 3.5 - update: Theme is now using CatalogMode 1.8 - update: Theme is now using Custom Sidebars 3.2.3 - update: Updated framework. - bugfix: Fixed compatibility issue with WooCommerce version: 3.9.2 - bugfix: Foodtruck widget CT-Facebook is no longer appearing on the site issue was fixed - bugfix: Foodtruck filter widgets not working issue was fixed - bugfix: Fixed Polaroid shortcode bug - bugfix: Shop testimonial shortcode bug - bugfix: Fixed the problem with the shipping method in checkout 5.9 (06.02.2019) - bugfix: Shipping fee and payment method were not automatically updated. - bugfix: WPBakery shortcodes can be used in the Timeline post from now on. - bugfix: Added an option to have an image title attribute when inserting a person box shortcode. - bugfix: WooCommerce templates update for version 3.5.x - update: added compatibility with WooCommerce 3.5.4 - update: Theme is now using WPBakery Page Builder 5.6.0 - update: Theme is now using Custom Sidebar 3.2.2 - update: added compatibility with WordPress 5.x 5.8 (09.04.2018) - update: Theme is now using WPBakery Page Builder 5.5.4 - update: Theme is now using Custom Sidebar 3.2.1 - update: Theme is compatible with WordPress 4.9.8 - update: Theme is compatible with WooCommerce 3.4.5 - bugfix: WPBakery shortcodes can be used in the Timeline post from now on. - bugfix: Added an option to have an image title attribute when inserting a person box shortcode. - bugfix: WooCommerce templates update for version 3.4.x 5.7 (25.10.2017) - update: Theme is now using VisualComposer 5.4.7 - update: Theme is now using Custom Sidebar 3.1.3 - update: Theme is now using Size Guide for Woocommerce 2.7 - update: Theme is compatible with WordPress 4.9.5 - update: Theme is compatible with WooCommerce 3.3.4 - bugfix: 1-click demo import for one-pagers is fixed. - bugfix: Date in Event Calendar can be translated. - bugfix: Blog header wasn't using the correct page title. - bugfix: Variable products slider respond to the chosen attribute value. 5.6 (17.10.2017) - update: Theme is now compatible with Revolution Slider - update: Theme is now compatible with VisualComposer 5.4.2 - update: Theme is now compatible with WooCommerce 3.2.1 - update: Theme is now compatible with WordPress version 4.8.2 - bugfix: Style fix for variable products - bugfix: Warnings and Recoverable fatal errors on site - bugfix: Widget options not avaliable in Customize 5.5 (25.09.2017) - bugfix: problem with adding widgets in customize 5.4 (25.01.2017) - bugfix: Theme compatibility with WooCommerce 3.x.x - bugfix: Theme compatibility with VisualComposer 5.2.1 - bugfix: Removed view 360 plugin by createIT (no longer supported) 5.3 (17.01.2017) - bugfix: fatal error: 'Cannot use object of type WP_Error as array (...) ' fix 5.2 (09.12.2016) - bugfix: fixed issue with ctTimelineShortcode.class.php - bugfix: Compatibility with PHP 7 - bugfix: Icon shortcode not adding icons - bugfix: not able to set size of the image - bugfix: tumblur and skype images aren't showing up correctly - bugfix: Foodtruck Menu shortcode missing one of the styles 5.1 (08.12.2016) - bugfix: Share it shortcode fix - bugfix: Event Box style fix - bugfix: PDF Documentation update - bugfix: Update VisualComposer to 5.0.1 version 5.0 (12.08.2016) - feature: Visual Composer compatibility - bugfix: Foodtruck Locator dont work on Android and iOS - bugfix: CT - Google Maps Markers options problems (widget) - bugfix: Foodtruck translates problems 4.9 (20.07.2016) - bugfix: Documentation links update - bugfix: Update Woocommerce template to version 2.6.3 - bugfix: Key/Authentication for Google Maps JavaScript API fix 4.8 (25.03.2016) - bugfix: Product Slider and Simple Slider aren't working as intended - bugfix: Woocommerce update to 2.6.2 - bugfix: Change waffle name due to WordPress update issues - bugfix: Cart missing on mobile - bugfix: Update notification problem - bugfix: Brand slider shortcode settings fixed - bugfix: Curved map header problem - bugfix: Multilocator markers location added - bugfix: Parallax fix for iPhone - bugfix: Multi Locator marker position fixes 4.7 (23.03.2016) - feature: Custom truck displaying option for MultiLocator - bugfix: fix path to the documentation of the theme 4.6 (16.03.2016) - bugfix: Uncontrolled adding product to cart 4.5 (08.03.2016) - bugfix: Issue with the Event sorting via date - bugfix: Reset password via Email don't work - bugfix: Event Accordion translation after changing WordPress language - bugfix: Product Menu order isn't working - feature: Option to add title for each gallery image 4.4 (04.11.2015) - feature: Blog pagination update - bugfix: Footer - social icons in FF - bugfix: Loading issue on iPhone - bugfix: Update Woocommerce template to version 2.5.0 - bugfix: IOS 9 Compability - bugfix: Login/Register, Shop and Cart position over the main menu. - bugfix: Category filtering does not work for menu shortcode - bugfix: Ribbon blog translate issue - bugfix: Problem with one click demo import for Multipager 4.3 (29.06.2015) - bugfix: Woocommerce plugin update to version 2.4.6 - bugfix: product Category filter issue after adding Description - bugfix: Missing translation in cart template - bugfix: Registration does not work - bugfix: Removing additional characters from contact form message 4.2 (19.06.2015) - feature: Manage Multiple Foodtruck Locations - feature: Contact Form 7 styles - bugfix: PrettyPhoto vulnerability issue - bugfix: Missing css stylesheets for child themes - bugfix: One Pager navigation doesn't work. 4.1 (11.06.2015) - bugfix: Twitter warnings 4.0 (03.06.2015) - bugfix: WooCommerce 2.3.10 templates updated - bugfix: Child themes missing stylesheets attached 3.9 (25.05.2015) Bugfix: Individual settings for product currency Bugfix: Postscript text for menu products Bugfix: Parse error during theme activation 3.8 (22.05.2015) Bugfix: Installation error in ctContextOptions 3.7 (14.05.2015) Feature: Added a brand new free newsletter to the package! Bugfix: Burger theme rename Bugfix: WooCommerce 2.3.8 templates update 3.6 (19.03.2015) Bugfix: XSS vulnerability fixed Bugfix: Checkout page styles adjustments Bugfix: Foodtruck location banner updater 3.5 (26.02.2015) Feature: WooCoomerce 2.3.x compatiblity Bugfix: 1 click demo import error messages 3.4 (21.02.2015) - bugfix: Adjust functions to child theme - bugfix: Increase server compatibility for contact form - bugfix: Woocommerce update 2.2.10 Fatal error - bugfix: WooCommerce products sorting 3.3 (19.02.2015) - feature: Bavaria flavour added - feature: The Indian flavour added - feature: Akropolis flavour added - feature: Raw Like Sushi flavour added - feature: Crepe de Paris flavour added - feature: The Ice Cream Truck flavour added - feature: Sandwish Earl flavour added - feature: Mac n' Cheese flavour added - feature: Leafs flavour added - feature: King Kebab flavour added - feature: View360 images plugin added - bugfix: Google map display in tabs and accordion - bugfix: Adding alt and title to your photos 3.2 (19.02.2015) - feature: Catalog Mode Plugin included in the package - feature: additional parameter to change price label in shop products - bugfix: background-attachment:fixed now works properly on Chrome 3.1 (19.02.2015) - feature: Timeline feature added in Story page - bugfix: New One-Click Demo Import - bugfix: Fix for Multiple Sidebars Plugin 3.0 (19.02.2015) - feature: WooCommerce integration for every flavour - feature: New top bar for Woocommerce integration - feature: 3 different thumbnails style to choose from - feature: 2 different sidebars for shop pages 2.8 (19.02.2015) - feature: menu can have additional footer text - feature: button box can now open links in new window - feature: new events shortcode - feature: contact form alerts redesigned - feature: 1 Click Demo Import improved - bugfix: contact form email validation issue - bugfix: links in content circle slider are now clickable - bugfix: colorbox in menu prev/next fix - bugfix: socials shortcode notice fix 2.7 (19.02.2015) - feature: Theme Customizer - easily change header and footer colors - bugfix: options.php string offset error fixed 2.6 (19.02.2015) - feature: Recent Posts slider - display as many posts as you want - feature: shortcodes can now have own CSS class - bugfix: Contact Form - button label and mail subject can be changed - bugfix: added $ as default in theme options 2.5.2 (19.02.2015) - feature: EventBox date can be translated via setlocale - bugfix: Y_field.php error message removed 2.5.1 (19.02.2015) - bugfix: headers already send when WP_DEBUG enabled 2.5 (19.02.2015) - feature: months in events translate automatically - feature: products - currency can now be positioned before or after amount - bugfix: minor documentation updates 2.4 (19.02.2015) - feature: Events now support featured images - fixed: menu default limit changed to 100 - fixed: FoodTruck locator link should now work properly - fixed: menu rendering when items don't have images - updated documentation 2.3 (19.02.2015) - feature: added page loader - bugfix: FAQ title background fix - bugfix: twitter newwindow parameter fix - bugfix: Polaroid Slider WP 3.9 issue 2.2 (19.02.2015) - feature: added yelp icon - feature: sliders may now have custom CSS class - feature: FAQ items will now sort according to menu order - bugfix: products menu fixed when product without image - bugfix: contact form should now send emails properly - bugfix: twitter newwindow parameter fix 2.1 (19.02.2015) - feature: easier logo adjustments - feature: product shortcodes can now show/hide price - bugfix: product box rendering issue when no price provided - updated documentation 2.0 (19.02.2015) - bugfix: minor improvements 1.9 (19.02.2015) - feature: Google Maps - draggable disabled on mobile devices - feature: assets optimized for faster installation - bugfix: Google Maps draggable supports multiple maps - bugfix: Socials - RSS always enabled 1.8 (19.02.2015) - feature: added optional category description for food menu - feature: nicer alert messages for contact and newsletter form - feature: enable/disable scroll for google maps. Disabled by default for mobile devices - feature: events map.it updated to latest version - feature: google multi marker widget added - bugfix: google map automatic centring disabled for mobile devices 1.7 (19.02.2015) - feature: FoodTruck Locator can now update your mobile location ribbon automatically - feature: FoodTruck location can now display current location address on Google Map tooltip - feature: contact and newsletter form - show success/error message - bugfix: post blog title will now use global settings too 1.6 (19.02.2015) - feature: map with multiple markers [google_map_markers] (checkout multi badassbbq) - bugfix: 1 Click demo import fix 1.5 (19.02.2015) - feature: multiple slider options added (slideshow, delays etc.) - bugfix: rounded images fix 1.4 (19.02.2015) - feature: touch option can now be disabled in flexslider (iPad product issue fix) - feature: custom background in WP Customizer 1.3 (19.02.2015) - bugfix: 1 Click Demo import - menu issues fix 1.2 (19.02.2015) - bugfix: google map increased PHP compatibility 1.1 (19.02.2015) - added PSD files - bugfix: responsivness minor adjustments - bugfix: updated cupcake 1-Click Demo Import 1.0 (19.02.2015) - initial release
Foodtruck. Template Features :
- 20 distinctive flavours – burger, cupcake, tacos, seabreeze, ribsndogs, bigwaffle, badassbbq, bigsmokebbq, coffe&cream, pizza, bavaria, indian, leafs, kebabking, sushi, akropolis, crepe, icecream, asndwich, maccheese
- Unique FoodTruck Locator
- Create as menu menus as you want
- Quickly manage your events
- Modern parallax effect
- Unlimited layout possibilities
- Onepager and Multipage
- SEO optimized
- Timeline
- 1-Click Demo Import
- 88+ custom shortcodes
- 10 custom widgets
- Many custom sliders
- Multilanguage support (WPML)
- Unlimited sidebarse
- Retina ready
- Font awesome icons
- For PRO users – LESS files incl.
- Automatic Theme Updates
- Bootstrap 3
- 8 blog post formats
- Responsive HTML5/CSS3 design
- 600+ google fonts
- PSD files included for: Burgerlover, Cupcake, Tacos Locos, Seabreeze, Ribs’n’Dogs, BigWaffle, BigSmokeBBQ, Coffee&Cream and Pizza Revelation flavours.
- Created By Elite Author
Demo images are not included in download package.