Kyros is an exclusive website template specially made for personal portfolio with elegant and professional design. Made using only the finest coding and design practices by experienced ThemeForest author with over 14 years of experience. Kyrios has stunning styles and elements to help you make professional website in no time. Get Kyros now.
Kyros v1.3.4 New page added: index-profession-menu-reveal New page added: index-profession-menu-reveal-fashion-designer New page added: index-profession-menu-reveal-lawyer Fixes for gallery issue on file index-profession-fashion-designer Kyros v1.3.3 New added: single portfolio with multiple images (single-project-2.html) New added: single portfolio with self hosted video (single-project-3.html) Kyros v1.3.2 New added: Homepage Profession Chef (index-profession-chef.html) Kyros v1.3.1 New added: Homepage Grey (index-grey.html) Kyros v1.3 New added: Profession Fashion Designer (index-profession-fashion-designer.html) Kyros v1.2 New added: Profession Lawyer (index-profession-lawyer.html) Kyros v1.1 New added: fullscreen revealing menu New pages added: - index-menu-reveal.html - index-menu-reveal-light.html - index-v2-menu-reveal-dark.html - index-v2-menu-reveal-light.html
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