Electian – Political Campaign HTML5 Template
Electian is clean, unique, and modern Social Activity HTML Template is created as a super-fitting solution for and social movements websites, political parties, fundraisers, crowdfunding campaigns and other activism websites that require special events functionality and donation payment option.
The Modern and elegant design also provide cool features such as team, about, projects, services as well as letting you show blog or hot news.
Electian comes with 30 page
Main Features
- 4 Home Style
- Optimized Files
- Modern Design
- HTML5 & CSS3 & jQuery
- Fully Responsive
- Free Google Fonts
- SEO Friendly
- Amzing Typography
- Awesome Unique Look
- Super Fast Loading
- YouTube Video Integration
- Flat Icon
- WC3 Validated
- Working Ajax Contact Form
- CSS3 Animation
- Parallax Background
- Well Documented
- Easy Customization
- Cross browser Support
- Friendly Customer Support
- And Much more…
- Bootstrap 5 Based
** No preview image included in the downloadable version.
CSS and JavaScript’s Libraries
- Bootstrap 5
- flaticon
- Owl Carousel
Photo Credit
- Freepik
- Unsplash
Need professional web development?
We offer:
- Development custom themes, widgets, plugins, gutenberg blocks etc...
- Wordpress theme installation
- Custom website development on Laravel
- Optimize PageSpeed
- and other more things...