Playhost is the best-selling game hosting template on ThemeForest ever. Come with modern designs tailored to fit the game-hosting industry to make your website stand out. It’s made using only the finest coding and design practices by an experienced ThemeForest author with over 15 years of experience. Playhost has stunning styles and elements to help you make a professional website in no time. Get Playhost now!
- 10 Homepages
- 4 Pricing table styles
- Bootstrap 5 framework
- Blazing speed
- CSS 3 animation
- Form with Google reCAPTCHA
- Latest jQuery
- 100% Responsive & Mobile Friendly
- Swiper Slider
- Parallax background with image or video
- W3C valid HTML files
- Integrated with FontAwesome 6 and FontAwesome 4
- Integrated with ElegantFont
- Integrated with ET-LineFont
- Bootstrap components compatible
- Well and commented code
- Free lifetime update
- Item support
- Made by Elite Author
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