Version 1.0.2 November 05 2024
- Fixed: Some minor css bug
Version 1.0.2 June 25 2024
- Added: 70 icons for real estate to the library
Version 1.0.1 May 14 2024
- Added: Sent mail ajax contact form, ajax Mailchimp
Homzen | Real Estate HTML Template
Get free Figma design files with your Site Template purchase! Submit a ticket here: https://themesflat.ticksy.com/ to get yours for free.
Homzen is a HTML template appropriate for any real estate firm, agent, rental property, corporate housing, apartment, or hotel, as well as all real estate directory services. We have done extensive research on a variety of real estate exchange websites, and we have optimized the UX to produce a completely functioning, simple design for a whole website that gives users a sense of enticing interactive purchases on the exchange. Using this theme will result in success in terms of user experience, call to action, and helping you keep clients on your website longer, increasing conversion rates and sales significantly.
This template is built with Bootstrap 5x, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and many modern technologies.
The template was designed and tested on all devices and browsers, including Firefox, Chrome, and Microsoft Edge. The template also includes annotated HTML code for each part featured in the template, allowing you to simply adjust your templates to your needs.
Main Features
- 06 Home Pages
- HTML5, CSS3 & Bootstrap 5
- Free Google Fonts
- Detailed Documentation
- Super Clear and Clean Layout
- Fully responsive and mobile friendly
- Pixel Perfect
- Every page is fully layered and organized with proper names
- Coded to be developer friendly
- Free Font Based Icons
- Retina Ready
- Complete Mobile UI App
- Excellent Support
- Cross Browser Compatible
- And many more…
- All images are just used for preview purpose only and NOT included in the final purchase files.
Fonts & Icons
- Font-Awesome
- Josefin Sans
- DM Sans
- Icomoon
- jQuery (http://jquery.com/)
- Bootstrap (http://getbootstrap.com)
- Chart.js (https://www.chartjs.org/)
- noUiSlider (https://refreshless.com/nouislider)
- Swiper (https://swiperjs.com)
- Wow (https://wowjs.uk/)