Agenik- is a Creative & Digital Agency Figma template. This Template comes with high-quality 16+ awesome Pages such as service pages, blog layouts etc. This Template is perfect for any creative agencies, Agenik is very easy to customize and it has a lot of features and a very good template for any agency to make a good website! It is based Bootstrap 5 grid. creative people and also can be used for any kind of Business or Personal Website. The width is 1920px. This is highly customizable – looks awesome on tablets and mobile devices. We have included the best practice of web development – you can create a great website layout based on Bootstrap or Grid 1320px….
Template Features:
Beautifully designed Unique 02 Home Pages
16 Fully Layered Figma files
Well-organized layers make it very easy to update
Fully Responsive Bootstrap Framework
Unique, Clean, and Modern Design
Pixel Perfect Design
Free Google Fonts
Well Organized Layers
Pixel Perfect
Bootstrap Grid 1290px
Free Google Fonts
Well Documentation
Easy to find folder, layers, groups
24/7 Great Support !!
image credit
Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the Figma templates and no included in the final purchase files.