Next is a Powerful, Responsive & Raw Multi-Purpose Multi-Page & One-Page FlaskTemplate. It is perfect for Corporate Websites, Creative Agencies, Businesses, Apps, Portfolio Websites, Landing Pages, Digital Agencies, Startups, IT Agencies, and AI websites.
We provide you with pre-built pages, but it’s also dead simple to create new pages all your own with ease. You can easily edit and customize the default homepage to align with your specific content arrangement using Bootstrap 5. It fits perfectly on various displays and resolutions from regular desktop screens to tablets, iPads, iPhones, and small mobile devices.
Features Overview of Next:
- Bootstrap 5.x Framework:
Bootstrap is a powerful, popular framework for building fully responsive, mobile-first projects using HTML, CSS, and JS.
- Unlock the Potential of Flask:
Flask provides lightweight yet powerful tools for web development, including flexible routing, clean syntax, built-in development server, and extensive extension support, all backed by an active and innovative developer community.
- 6 Ready Demos:
Next template includes 6 modern, creative homepages to kickstart your website effortlessly.
- 100% Fully Responsive:
The Next template ensures your site looks perfect on any device, delivering a smooth user experience.
- 6 One-Page Homes:
Next template offers 6 unique, one-page home variations for dynamic website presentation.
- 25+ Valid blade Files:
Next template includes 25+ well-structured blade files, adhering to best coding practices for dynamic and scalable web development.
- SCSS Code:
SCSS offers powerful features like variables, nesting, and mixins, making CSS more maintainable and efficient for complex styling.
Features List
- Build with Flask
- 100% Fluid Responsive – Fits any device perfectly
- 6 Unique Homepages
- 6 Header Styles
- Flat, modern, and clean design.
- Retina Optimized
- Social Links
- Clean & Commented Code
- Advanced Typography
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Blog / News Pages
- Shop Pages
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- Awesome Unique Look
- Unique effects and Swipper JS
- Google fonts
- Quick, Dedicated & Professional Support
- Well Documented
Sources and Credits
- Twitter Bootstrap
- jQuery
- Swiper JS Carousel
- Magnific-popup
- Freepik
Fonts Used: Google Fonts
- Rubik
Icons Used
- Fontawesome Icon
- Flaticon Icon
Note: All images are only used for preview purposes and are NOT included in the final purchase files.