IMPORTANT: Support is offered exclusively on our Support Forum not here in the comments section. We do however answer pre sale questions in the comments so feel free to ask them.
- Unique design
- Fully responsive design
- 3 Different Flavours
- Google calendar integrated
- Twitter Live — you can automatically show a stream of tweets (PHP required), uses latest Twitter API
- Mega Menu
- Color skins
- Quickly manage your events
- Parallax effect
- Unlimited layout possibilities
- Onepager and Multipage
- SEO optimized
- Many custom sliders
- Unlimited sidebars
- Retina ready
- Infinite Scroll
- In viewport animations
- Lightbox preview
- Working contact form and newsletter
- 400+ Font Awesome Icons included
- Built with Bootstrap 3 (Mobile First)
- .LESS files included

Please note that demo images are not included.
- Twitter Bootstrap
- jQuery
- jQuery Flex Slider