- Tags:
- beauty,
- beauty shop,
- beauty spa,
- clean,
- cosmetic store,
- cosmetics,
- makeup,
- perfume,
- products,
- shopping store,
- skincare
Found 362 items in Site Templates / Mobile
- Tags:
- bootstrap,
- creative,
- cv,
- dark,
- developer portfolio,
- freelancer,
- one page portfolio,
- one page resume,
- personal,
- personal portfolio,
- personal website,
- portfolio,
- programmer,
- resume,
- vcard
Nairobi - Personal Portfolio CV Mobile HTML Template (LTR + RTL)
by The_Krishna site templates / mobile- Resume Portfolio, CV Resume Mobile Template
- Perfect for CV Resume or Personal Portfolio
- LTR + RTL with Dark & Light versions
- Tags:
- baby,
- child,
- collage,
- course,
- courses,
- education,
- elementari,
- kid,
- kids,
- primary,
- school,
- teacher
BrainNest - Educational Toys & Games Store React Mobile App | PWA with Laravel Backend
by George_Fx site templates / mobile- Tags:
- car booking,
- car rental,
- car services,
- fight booking,
- hotel,
- online booking,
- online car,
- taxi,
- taxi booking,
- Taxi booking software,
- taxi plugin,
- taxi service,
- taxi software,
- travel
Airbook - Ticket Booking App Mobile Template (Tailwind CSS + PWA)
by pixelaxis site templates / mobile- PWA ( Progressive Web App ) & Tailwind CSS
- Versatile ticket booking pwa mobile
- Lifetime updates- Easy to customize
- Tags:
- candidates,
- career,
- indeed,
- job app,
- job board,
- job board bootstrap,
- job career,
- job listing,
- job portal,
- job postings,
- jobs,
- mobile app template,
- modern,
- pwa,
- resume
JobBoard - Job Board Job Seeker and Listing Mobile App Template (Bootstrap + PWA)
by DexignZone site templates / mobile- Job Posting and listing Mobile App Template
- Job Board Mobile with PWA & Bootstrap 5
- Employers & Candidate Section, Dark Mode
- Tags:
- baby,
- child,
- collage,
- course,
- courses,
- education,
- elementari,
- kid,
- kids,
- primary,
- school,
- teacher
BrainNest - Educational Toys & Games Store React Mobile App | PWA
by George_Fx site templates / mobile- Tags:
- answer,
- e-course,
- education,
- fun games,
- game,
- leaderboard,
- learning,
- learning system,
- multiple choice,
- questioner,
- quiz,
- quiz app,
- trivia app,
- true or false,
- voice note
Quizio - Quiz Mobile App PWA HTML Template
by pixelaxis site templates / mobile- Quiz Progressive Web App (PWA) Ready
- Fully Customizable Components Quiz app
- Optimized for Speed and Performance
- Tags:
- blockchain wallet template,
- crypto wallet interface,
- cryptocurrency wallet,
- fintech wallet template,
- JavaScript wallet app,
- mobile-first web app,
- modern wallet design,
- no_jquery,
- performance-optimized template,
- pwa web app,
- responsive web3 app,
- secure crypto app,
- SEO-friendly wallet template,
- Tailwind CSS wallet template,
- web3 wallet app template
ChainMaster - Web3 Wallet App Template (Tailwind CSS + PWA)
by pixelaxis site templates / mobile- PWA ( Progressive Web App ) & Tailwind CSS
- Optimized for Speed with Webpack
- Lifetime updates- Easy to customize