2025's Best Selling UI Figma Retail Templates

Explore best selling UI / Figma / Retail Templates and Themes

Uomo - Modern & Multipurpose eCommerce Figma Template

Uomo - Modern & Multipurpose eCommerce Figma Template

by CreativeLayers ui-templates / figma / retail
$19.00 All prices in US dollars
Medux – Web Dashboard UI Kit for Figma

Medux – Web Dashboard UI Kit for Figma

by merkulove ui-templates / figma / retail / health-beauty
$18.00 All prices in US dollars
Medix UI Kit

Medix UI Kit

by sitoplasma ui-templates / figma / retail / health-beauty
$27.00 All prices in US dollars
Zeomart - Multi-Vendor & Marketplace Figma Template

Zeomart - Multi-Vendor & Marketplace Figma Template

by CreativeLayers ui-templates / figma / retail
$19.00 All prices in US dollars
E-Shop Ecommerce App UI Kit

E-Shop Ecommerce App UI Kit

by Design-art ui-templates / figma / retail / shopping
$22.00 All prices in US dollars
Rika - eCommerce Mobile App UI Kit For Figma

Rika - eCommerce Mobile App UI Kit For Figma

by pixleslab ui-templates / figma / retail / shopping
$29.00 All prices in US dollars
FitooZone – Fitness App UI Kit for Figma

FitooZone – Fitness App UI Kit for Figma

by merkulove ui-templates / figma / retail / health-beauty
$19.00 All prices in US dollars
GoTrip - Travel & Tour Agency Figma Template

GoTrip - Travel & Tour Agency Figma Template

by CreativeLayers ui-templates / figma / retail / travel
$19.00 All prices in US dollars
Travgo - Travel Mobile App Figma Ui Kit

Travgo - Travel Mobile App Figma Ui Kit

by Website_Stock ui-templates / figma / retail / travel
$29.00 All prices in US dollars
Shopper - eCommerce Figma Template

Shopper - eCommerce Figma Template

by unvab ui-templates / figma / retail / shopping
$20.00 All prices in US dollars
RideX Taxi Booking Figma Mobile App

RideX Taxi Booking Figma Mobile App

by webstrot ui-templates / figma / retail / travel
$20.00 All prices in US dollars
Fitly - FItness Mobile App UI Kit

Fitly - FItness Mobile App UI Kit

by DhuhaCreative ui-templates / figma / retail / health-beauty
$25.00 All prices in US dollars
OchaHouse - Organic Tea Store eCommerce Figma Template

OchaHouse - Organic Tea Store eCommerce Figma Template

by jwsthemes ui-templates / figma / retail / food
$15.00 All prices in US dollars
Ombe - Coffee Shop iOS App Design UI Template Figma

Ombe - Coffee Shop iOS App Design UI Template Figma

by peterdraw ui-templates / figma / retail
$18.00 All prices in US dollars
Bookoe - Book Store Website UI Design Figma Template

Bookoe - Book Store Website UI Design Figma Template

by peterdraw ui-templates / figma / retail
$18.00 All prices in US dollars
Carter – Grocery Application PSD Mobile UI Kit

Carter – Grocery Application PSD Mobile UI Kit

by GfxPartner ui-templates / figma / retail / shopping
$29.00 All prices in US dollars
MoonCart - Modern & Multipurpose eCommerce Figma Template

MoonCart - Modern & Multipurpose eCommerce Figma Template

by hugebinary ui-templates / figma / retail / shopping
$10.00 All prices in US dollars
Mikalto - Hotel Booking Figma template

Mikalto - Hotel Booking Figma template

by jwsthemes ui-templates / figma / retail / travel
$15.00 All prices in US dollars
MEDCURE | Medical App UI Kit for Figma

MEDCURE | Medical App UI Kit for Figma

by ncodetechnologies ui-templates / figma / retail / health-beauty
$61.00 All prices in US dollars
Auriane - Jewelry Store Figma Template

Auriane - Jewelry Store Figma Template

by jwsthemes ui-templates / figma / retail
$15.00 All prices in US dollars
Recipely - Food Recipe App UI Kit

Recipely - Food Recipe App UI Kit

by DhuhaCreative ui-templates / figma / retail / food
$25.00 All prices in US dollars
Flippy - figma grocery mobile application

Flippy - figma grocery mobile application

by webstrot ui-templates / figma / retail / food
$10.00 All prices in US dollars
Foodlee - Food Delivery Mobile App UI Kit For Figma

Foodlee - Food Delivery Mobile App UI Kit For Figma

by pixleslab ui-templates / figma / retail / food
$19.00 All prices in US dollars
Disho – Grocery Store for Figma

Disho – Grocery Store for Figma

by merkulove ui-templates / figma / retail / food
$12.00 All prices in US dollars
GoTour - Tour & Travel App Figma UI Kit

GoTour - Tour & Travel App Figma UI Kit

by pixency ui-templates / figma / retail / travel
$25.00 All prices in US dollars
Cartmax – Multipurpose Ecommerce | Figma Template

Cartmax – Multipurpose Ecommerce | Figma Template

by UserThemes ui-templates / figma / retail / shopping
$14.00 All prices in US dollars
Avipay | E-Wallet Mobile Banking App Figma

Avipay | E-Wallet Mobile Banking App Figma

by Avitex ui-templates / figma / retail
$39.00 All prices in US dollars
Nosh – Food Delivery Figma Template

Nosh – Food Delivery Figma Template

by createuiux ui-templates / figma / retail / food
$29.00 All prices in US dollars
Bfit | Fitness App UI Kit for Figma

Bfit | Fitness App UI Kit for Figma

by ncodetechnologies ui-templates / figma / retail / health-beauty
$67.00 All prices in US dollars
Avimart | Multi-Marketplace WooCommerce Figma Template

Avimart | Multi-Marketplace WooCommerce Figma Template

by Avitex ui-templates / figma / retail / shopping
$29.00 All prices in US dollars
Alipay | E-Wallet Mobile Banking App

Alipay | E-Wallet Mobile Banking App

by Avitex ui-templates / figma / retail
$39.00 All prices in US dollars
Sportly - Fittech App UI Kit

Sportly - Fittech App UI Kit

by DhuhaCreative ui-templates / figma / retail / health-beauty
$30.00 All prices in US dollars
FT - Booking Hotel Figma Template

FT - Booking Hotel Figma Template

by ovatheme ui-templates / figma / retail / travel
$15.00 All prices in US dollars
Madiva - eCommerce App UI Kit

Madiva - eCommerce App UI Kit

by pixleslab ui-templates / figma / retail / shopping
$29.00 All prices in US dollars
Mobhil Car Dealer Website Figma Template

Mobhil Car Dealer Website Figma Template

by peterdraw ui-templates / figma / retail
$18.00 All prices in US dollars
Doctro - Figma Doctor Appointment App

Doctro - Figma Doctor Appointment App

by arthgoods ui-templates / figma / retail / health-beauty
$25.00 All prices in US dollars
Ankasa Flight Booking iOS App UI Figma and PSD

Ankasa Flight Booking iOS App UI Figma and PSD

by peterdraw ui-templates / figma / retail / travel
$18.00 All prices in US dollars
Clevr - Book Store Ecommerce Website Figma Template

Clevr - Book Store Ecommerce Website Figma Template

by peterdraw ui-templates / figma / retail
$18.00 All prices in US dollars
Pixio - eCommerce Fashion Figma Mobile App UI Kit

Pixio - eCommerce Fashion Figma Mobile App UI Kit

by DexignZone ui-templates / figma / retail
$19.00 All prices in US dollars
Gourmania – Food Delivery App UI Kit Figma Template

Gourmania – Food Delivery App UI Kit Figma Template

by ArtTemplate ui-templates / figma / retail / food
$29.00 All prices in US dollars