Eatoreh is a legendary joomla templates on themeforest, it’s now rebuilt to adapt to the latest web technology. Fully responsive and optimized for tablet and any others mobile screen, integrated with Bootstrap 5 and Font Awesome 5.
Eatoreh is a flat, clean, and stunning Joomla templates. This template delivers big time in a lot of categories; it easily fits many demographics, such as portfolios, corporate sites and magazines. Aside from just looking beautifully polished and clean, it comes packed with features and options.
Purchasing Eatoreh, you wouldn’t only purchase a templates, you purchase AN EXPERIENCE.
- Multiple color options
- Fully Responsive, Eatoreh now supports numbers of responsive layouts including: Wide, Normal, XTablet, Tablet and Mobile.
- HTML5, Bootstrap and SCSS, HTML 5 ensures web experience and visualization quality that benefits from rich markup and compatibility. With Bootstrap and LESS- the Dynamic Stylesheet language as a powerful mobile first front-end framework, you can standardize your grid, typography, and modules with less efforts.
- Flexible layout system, Supported by Helix Ultimate as an extremely customizable framework, feel the experience to layout customization based on visual layout configuration.
- Megamenu and Off-canvas, Megamenu and Off-canvas are highlight featured-in. It allows you to build up a powerful menu system and you are full control.
- Amazing Camera Slideshow Modules
- Layered PSD FIles Included
- Quickstart package included
- All Installed Extensions (Components, Modules, Plugin) Included
- Well Documented
- Cross Browser Support
- Outstanding Newsletter Module
- Contact page with Google Map
- Support Google Fonts configuration
- Inbuilt CSS and Javascript Compression
- Running on Helix Ultimate
- Joomla 4.x.x compatible
Update / Changelog
Version 1.3.13 (16 Februari 2024)
Updated quickstart to Joomla 5.0.3 Updated templates to Joomla 5 compatibility Updated templates to PHP 8 compatibility Updated the Twitter X logo on social icons Updated the extension to the latest version Add new preset homepage Updated scss files Updates logo.php
Version 1.3.12 (05 October 2023)
Update to Joomla 4.3.4 Update extensions Add Pricing table variation Add new preset homepage Updates scss files : themes.scss, responsive.scss, extensions.scss, presets.scss, menu.scss Updates logo.php
Version 1.3.11 (13 March 2023)
Update to Joomla 4.2.8 Template framework change to Helix Ultimate Add Page Builder Remove unite revolution slider Remove K2 CCK Component Remove bt google maps Remove NSP GK5 Remove slideshow ck Add Minifrontpage Minor updates on styles.less Quickstart update to the latest version All Extensions update to their latest version
Version 1.3.10 (18 September 2021)
Minor update on extensions.css Minor updates on styles.less Quickstart update to the latest version All Extensions update to their latest version
Version 1.3.9 (02 June 2020)
Add Homepage variation Minor update on extensions.css Minor updates on styles.less Quickstart update to the latest version All Extensions update to their latest version
Version 1.3.8 (12 may 2016)
Add SP Simple portfolio Remove GK Tabs Minor update on extensions.css Minor updates on styles.less Quickstart update to the latest version All Extensions update to their latest version
Version 1.3.8 (12 may 2016)
Minor update on extensions.css Minor update on modules.less Major updates on styles.less Add Revolution Slider Add Header variation Add Homepage variation Quickstart update to the latest version All Extensions update to their latest version
Version 1.3.7 (03 June 2014)
Include Quickstart for joomla 3.3.x Minor update on extensions.css Minor update on modules.less All Extensions update to their latest version
Version 1.3.6 (4 January 2014)
Template Compatible With Native Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.1.x Rebuilt Template to be compatible with The latest T3 Bootstrap 3.x integrated FontAwesome 4.0.x integrated Fully responsive HTML5 Replace NSP GK4 modules with NSP GK5 Replace Tabs GK4 with Tabs GK5 Replace ariimageslider with slideshow ck replace jgmap with bt google maps
Version 1.3.5 (08 March 2012)
Quickstart Updated to be native Joomla 2.5.x
Version 1.3.4 (15 November 2011)
Installed, configured and re-styled K2 Component for in Eatoreh for J1.7 Update News Show Pro GK4 Modules to fully support K2 Replacing DF Contact Component with FoxContact Component in Eatoreh For J1.7 Minor update in extention.css file (Eatoreh J1.7)
Version 1.3.3 (28 August 2011)
Template Compatible With Native Joomla 1.7
Version 1.3.2 (14 June 2011)
Template Compatible With Native Joomla 1.5 Added K2 Component in Eatoreh J1.5
Version 1.3.1 (06 June 2011)
Initial Release
Forum Support
If you have any problems about this template,
please feel free to post it in the forum, I’ll be glad to help
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To create and have an account for our support forums, please log into your Themeforest account and PM me at this page: http://themeforest.net/user/maskeenan/
In the message, please enter text: “Dhe remma Cong” After verifying your purchase, I’ll send you back an email with your username and temporary password.
- T3 Framework 2.0
- Tabs GK4
- Akeeba Backup
- DFContact Component
- AcyMailing Starter Component
- News Show Pro GK4
- JGMap
- ARI Image Slider
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