MyTicket – create events, sell tickets, validate QR-code printouts with free mobile app.

MyTicket is All In One solution to organize events, sell/validate tickets, track purchases, dynamically and in a beautiful way display various events to your users.
For all support inquiries please refer to the community space:
Create Event
MyTicket extends default WooCommerce functionality. Using this plugin one can create events, specify its features, types, categories and any other custom information. Once event is specified ticketing system is automatically linked to it.
List Events
This theme comes with powerful event listing widgets. The image and real life usage example will explain it best. In short events widget and section filtering and sorting is based on Ajax requests. This ensures fast performance, seamless page refresh and extremely user friendly experience.
Ticket Selection
Once the event is found user can select the desired amount of tickets or event seats on a predefined custom stage/hall/stadium layouts and perform checkout process.
QR-code Scannable Ticket Receipt
After checkout and/or payment users will be able to immediately download a PSD invoice and receive it by email. The invoice contains QR-code that is linked to users order. Using MyTicket QR-code scanner app you can validate ticket by scanning users invoice, apply custom actions or just check order and customer information.
Custom Stadium Example
This template demonstrates that you can create beautiful custom hall, stadium, amphitheater, stage designs and link it with dynamic back-end in order to perform live system for ticket reservation and purchase. Also make sure that this is not an image. It is an interactive element where every section is clickable and can change its color depending on ticket availability or selection.
Note: Every seat layout is unique and is subject to extra charge due to design and integration requirements. We are not free development agency. Please send us your full project specification before asking for a quote.
Timetable Elements
Does not matter what portion of your website is opened. Convenient and accurate event elements will keep your users updated on latest events.
Advanced Search
If you plan to organize many events. Feel flexible and with different elements provided by this template. Split concerts, events, performances by dates, months, years, thematic and show them all in a user friendly way with various sorting methods.
- Create rich in content and beautiful events with countdown timers. Use Call to Action buttons for event applications.
- Manage artist performances, sell tickets for concerts and any other events.
- Sell tickets with the help of predefined stadium design layouts. Perfect for football, hockey, soccer, basketball, cricket, tennis, rugby, formula, boxing, volleyball or any other sport type event.
- Gallery, news, blog, interview, dashboard etc
Free Mobile App
We take all the complicate part on our side. You don’t need to maintain your own mobile app. Just download it from the Play Market and start using straight away with any ticket generated on your MyTicket website. There is no man in the middle. All connections are directly forwarded to your server. Once QR-code ticket scanned the app retrieves information about the customer, order and event and shows it up for validation. You can change the status and the changes will be immediately reflected under your website admin. In addition, the app has many builtin options that can fit your needs easily. You can restrict your backend usage only to certain app IDs to make 100% secure and reliable ticketing environment. You can try the app here.
Backend and frontend demo
If you want to test theme backend, perform customizations and see all features in action follow the link provided below and click Edit Now button. You can try this product before purchase for free: Setup Wizard
We make things as simple as possible. Our installation and demo content setup wizard will make everything required for your website show up same way as on our demo preview. No extra click, menu, form setup. Just up and running.
Page Builder & Live Editor
We use Page Builder by SiteOrigin as our core content modification tool. You can build your WordPress pages using a simple, intuitive drag and drop interface or even change content in live.
Backend Demo
If you want to test the functionality in Cloud, please refer to the following link: MyTicket Demo.Installation
The theme relies on a setup wizard to install demo content and configuration files automatically. Read more here: How to install WordPress theme guide or watch this video.Support
- MyTicket customization guides:
- For faster response time we recommend to contact us here.
- Check theme specific topics and general troubleshooting issues.
Last Updates
Version 1.2.2
+ update: footer note text updated
+ update: WooCommerce compatability fix
+ update: improved setup wizard installation process
+ update: fixing Envato Theme Check according to latest standards
+ update: improved security, variable escape
+ update: WordPress 6.7 support
+ update: fixing map https load failure in contacts
+ update: styles.css adding required tags
+ update: documentation description update
+ new: readme.text
Version 1.2.1
+ fix: Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array
+ fix: undefined index error for event search page
+ fix: woocommerce outdated copies
+ fix: PDF preview button in WooCommerce account
+ support: PHP 8.2
Version 1.1.0
+ update: wordpress 5.8 comparability fix
+ update: improved installation process
Version 1.0.9
+ update: woocommerce update
+ update: woocommerce order preview unused shortcode removed
+ update: seat reservation, cancelation feature implement
+ update: wordpress 5.6+ support added
+ update: documentation updated
Version 1.0.8
+ update: woocommerce update
+ update: WordPress and plugin compatibility update
+ update: Contact page google maps API update
+ update: ticket booking functionality improvement
+ update: transaltion improvements
+ update: large mobile menu scroll problem fix
Version 1.0.7
+ update: woocommerce update
+ update: FULL EVENTS SCHEDULES filtering problem fix
+ update: minified events grid title is clickable
+ update: fixed numerous issues with PDF ticket generation
+ update: homepage youtube video playback bug fix
+ update: admin styles reverted to classical
+ update: plugin compatability support
+ update: pdf woocommerce invoice replaced with myticket events plugin
+ update: new documentation
+ update: google maps now uses embed link
+ update: partial migration to Gutenberg Blocks
+ update: event search pricing and category filter usability improvements
Version 1.0.6
+ new: homepage new feature to show only today events
+ new: full width single product option added
+ new: alignfull, alignwide support
+ new: allow users to register and create events > User Role Editor plugin
+ update: support for PHP 7.2
+ update: google maps and autoptimize plugin console error removed
+ update: footer logo sizing bug fix
+ update: woocommerce update
+ update: email ticket with QR to multiple recipients.
+ update: issues with Google Maps
+ update: upcomming events category listing and months carusel visibility fix
+ update: admin bar with top bar overlap problem fix
+ update: video playback iframe size
Version 1.0.5
+ update: twitter credentials page loading failures
+ update: contacts email representation improvements
+ update: latest woocommerce verison support
+ update: logo aspect ration fix
+ update: woocommerce my account improvements
+ update: improvement in event listing interface
+ new: mobile app authentication added
Version 1.0.3
+ update: twitter API improvements
+ update: page not saving bug fix
+ update: change fonts functionality improvements
+ update: pot file refreshed
+ update: qr-code generation bug fix
Version 1.0.2
+ new: mobile app published:
+ update: white page woo commerce activation bug fix
+ update: translations improved