Moderner Mobile Template
A truly beautiful design based on a landing page filled with thumbnails and a dropdown menu powered on average pages to keep your content above everything else! A truly beautiful and elegant mobile page.
Moderner is a Mobile Template and is offering all mobile compatibility.
Elite Author
Elite Quality Item with 10 + years experience!
Elite Quality Support with 24/7 responses to tickets!
Elite Quality Support with the best documentations on the market!
Main Features
Google AMP + HTML, JS and CSS Version Included
Mobile Ready
PhoneGap & Cordova Compatible
Icon Pack Included
Crisp, Clear, and Beautiful Fonts by Google Fonts
Slider & Image Galleries
CSS3 / PHP / Ajax Contact form with Validation
Typography Features
Text Columns
Image Columns
Icon Columns
Responsive Images with Aspect Ratio
Responsive Maps with Aspect Ratio
CSS3 Multiple Heading Styles
CSS3 Dropcaps
CSS3 Highlights
CSS3 Quotes
CSS3 Notifications
CSS3 Checkboxes
CSS3 Radios
CSS3 Buttons
jQuery Features
jQuery Page Preloading
jQuery + CSS3 Navigation
jQuery Toggles
jQuery Accordion
jQuery Tabs
jQuery Image Sliders
jQuery Contact Form with Field Validation
Design Features
Optimized for Touch Devices
CSS3 Based Design
Simple, beautiful, elegant Design
8 Color Schemes for different elements
iOS / Android Home Icon & Splash Screen
High Definition / Retina Graphics
Ergonomic Navigation
Designed for a intuitive User Experience
Pixel Perfect Icon pack included
Please note! Google AMP Does not support external JavaScript files. We made both versions as close as possible to eachother, but due to certain limitations, some animations and elements may not be as powerful as the ones provided by then classic HTML Version.
OS Requirements
iOS 9+
Android 4.4+
Windows Mobile 8+
RIM 7.1+
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