Nest is an attractive HTML Bootstrap 5.x template specially designed for the multipurpose shops like mega store, grocery store, supermarket, organic shop, and online stores selling products like beverages, vegetables, fruits, ice creams, paste, herbs, juice, meat, cold drinks, sausages, cocktails, soft drinks, cookies…
Moreover, our HTML solution provides a set of features designed to make your website more sustainable:
- Easy to customize;
- Fully RTL Support;
- W3C valid coding;
- SEO-ready layout;
- Google Fonts & Maps;
- Cross-browser support;
- SCSS source files.
FIGMA design file included (only LTR Front-end )
Nest built with Bootstrap 5, HTML5, CSS3 & Jquery. It is Fully responsive, Retina ready & Multi-Device supported. All code is beautifully written & W3C Validated.
This template written by SASS, with 7-1 pattern
We have a dedicated support center for all of your support needs. It includes our Documentation and Ticket system for any questions you have.
A quick way to integrate the Forms into your project. Get Nest today and be setup in minutes!
Main Features
Creative Design: Nest is a bold theme that organizing content to follow natural eyes, striking balance between beautiful and visual hierarchy.
Fully Responsive: The theme passed Mobile-Friendly Test – by Google. We also tested carefully the theme on almost devices: laptop, tablet, and phone. All elements are 100% responsive and ready for all devices.
Pixel Perfect Design
Product Carousel: Option to showcase products as carousel.
Color & Fonts is easily changed
Customer Reviews, Customer accounts, Compare Products, Grid & List layout, product fillter
Newsletter, Social Sharing
W3C Validated Code
Bootstrap 5.x used
Compatible Browsers: IE8+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Well documentation included
Ticket System Support
- All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the template and NOT included in the final purchase files.
- This is a HTML5 template, NOT a WordPress theme. We do not refund for mistaken purchases.
What You Get?
- +50 ecommerce frontend HTML pages
- +50 RTL frontend HTML pages
- +26 ecommerce backend HTML pages
- +6 invoice HTML templates
- Figma design file (only LTR Front-end)
- Documentation
Change logs
VERSION 6.1 - Update to jQuery 3.7.1 - Improved Dashboard UI - Optimized, increased page loading speed. VERSION 6.0 - Upgrade to Bootstrap v5.3 - Improved Dark mode backend (Using Local Storage) VERSION 5.9 - [Fix] responsive for Product Listing Pages VERSION 5.8 - [Fix] Product quantity increase/decrease problem VERSION 5.7 - [Fix] page Cart responsive (Mobile < 480px) VERSION 5.6 - [Fix] Images Zoom in Quick view modal. - Replace Google fonts with Bunny fonts VERSION 5.5 - [Fix] Product details scroll on Mobile VERSION 5.4 - [Fix] Optimize CSS, speed up page load VERSION 5.3 - [Fix] Quantity increase/decrease button VERSION 5.2 - [Fix] Navigation CSS - [Add] 2 Pages: Forgot & Reset password VERSION 5.1 - [Fix] Optimize JS, speed up page load VERSION 5.0 - [Add] Fully RTL Support (48 HTML files) VERSION 4.1 - [CHANGE] Use noUiSlider instead of Jquery UI for price range slider. Increase loading page speed. VERSION 4.0 - [Add] 06 Invoice templates VERSION 3.3 - [Fix] CSS for back-end VERSION 3.2 - [Add] homepage 05, homepage 06 VERSION 3.1 - [Fix ] responsive for Product Details Pages VERSION 3.0 - [Add] Ecommerce Dashboard Template VERSION 2.1 - [Add] Product details with Vendor information - [Add] Homepage 02, 03, 04 to Figma design file - [Fix] Responsive CSS - [Add] Dropdown Menu for Account VERSION 2.0 - Update animation.css. - Add Multi vendors pages - Add the Promotion popup (Homepage 01) - Fix some CSS bugs VERSION 1.2 - Add compare icon on Header - Change the Categories carausel design VERSION 1.1 - Fix CSS for Nav bar VERSION 1.0 - First release.
Our featured products