Jobfly is an exceptional Job Board Figma Template designed for job finding and job posting types. Our app design contains 105 distinct screens that feature well-organized and layered elements.
Each screen is fully customizable and is designed for user-friendly navigation. We also assemble each screen in Figma, a design platform, so you can have peace of mind knowing that your project is ready to use for Mobile devices.
Our template makes it easy to create a product or service, so you can start.
Key Features
- 105 Screens Layout
- Light version
- Free Fonts Used
- 100% Vector and Customizable
- Designed with Figma Auto Layout
- Component, Property Used
Screens Included
- 01_Splash
- 02_Splash
- 03_Splash
- 04_Splash
- 05_hello_jobfly
- 06_Login
- 07_create_account
- 08_verification
- 09_reset_password
- 10_create_password
- 11_welcome
- 12_home
- 13_search
- 14_earch_result_not_found
- 15_remote_jobs
- 16_fulltime_jobs
- 17_pertime_jobs
- 18_live_jobs
- 19_company_jobs
- 20_New_Jobs
- 21_all_categories
- 22_designer_jobs
- 23_recent_jobs
- 24_companies_jobs
- 25_ebay_jobs
- 26_featured_Jobs
- 27_filter_v1
- 28_filter_v2
- 29_bookmark
- 30_message
- 31_message_delete
- 32_Chat_message
- 33_Chat_message_delete
- 34_no_message
- 35_job_discription
- 36_job_discription_company
- 37_upload_cv_option
- 38_upload_cv
- 39_upload_cv
- 40_upload_cv
- 41_upload_cv_option
- 42_upload_cv_fill
- 43_success_payment
- 44_create_your_cv
- 45_start_create_your_cv
- 46_personal_statement
- 47_employment_history
- 48_education
- 49_location
- 50_skill
- 51_language
- 52_certifications
- 53_awards
- 54_references
- 55_links
- 56_interests
- 57_complate_profile
- 58_preview_cv
- 59_post_job
- 60_directly_post_job
- 61_post_a_job
- 62_post_preview
- 63_billing_information
- 64_payment
- 65_otp
- 66_success_payment
- 67_directly_post_job_package
- 68_select_package
- 69_payment
- 70_otp
- 71_success_payment
- 72_job_index_website
- 72_job_index_website
- 73_website_info
- 74_feed
- 75_ats
- 76_about
- 77_thank_submition
- 78_boost_visibility
- 79_promote_job_add
- 80_job_partner
- 81_presentation
- 82_success
- 83_cv_search
- 84_package
- 85_payment
- 86_otp
- 87_success_payment
- 88_why_used_jobfly
- 89_save_Jobs
- 90_save_Jobs_option
- 91_no_saved
- 92_notification
- 93_notification_delete
- 94_notification_option
- 95_your_application
- 96_no_noticifation
- 97__profile
- 98__Profile_edit
- 99_Update_password
- 100_Update_password
- 101_log_out
- 102_lockscreen_v1
- 103_lockscreen_v2
- 104_side_menu_v1
- 105_side_menu_v2
This is the names of the fonts that I used and how you can get them…
I’ve used 1 free font
- 01. Inter
Sources and Credits
- Carbon Icon
Carbon Icon - Flaticon - Unsplash - Pexels - Freepik