VIAVI is a versatile and feature-rich UI Kit designed to empower designers and developers in crafting stunning and functional interfaces for a wide range of applications. Whether you’re creating a Jobs app, a QuizFun app, a Find Doctor app, or an Online Radio app, VIAVI offers a comprehensive set of components tailored to these specific use cases and more.
For Sales & Support Inquiry – Skype: support.viaviweb
For Sales Inquiry – WhatsApp: +919227777522
Key Features Overview
- 110+ Well-Designed Screen Layouts
- Trendy Color Combination with Typography
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Easily customizable Figma files
- File named layers and groups
- Unique & Modern Design
- Free Google Font
- Great Support
- Well Organized, Named and Documented
- And many More
Fonts Use
Fonts: Roboto
Fonts: Maven Pro
Fonts: Nunito Sans
Sources and Credits
Images: Unsplash
Images: Freepik
Icons: Flaticon
Icons: Iconify