Uplon is a fully responsive premium web UI kit built with awesome Bootstrap v5.3.3 & Laravel 11x. It has super clean user interfaces, many ready-to-use and highly customizable components and widgets. The power of SASS and easy code allows any developer to turn this template into real web application.
- Fully Responsive Design
- Created using Bootstrap v5.3.3
- Created using Laravel 11x
- Light & Dark versions
- Clean and intuitive design
- Fully Documented
- Vertical & Horizontal Layout
- RTL & LTR Support
- Landing page Included
- 250+ Pages
- 90+ Charts
- SAAS Support
- Gulp Support
- Error pages included
- 2500+ Font Icons
- Dashboard
- User Interface
- Buttons
- Cards
- Dropdowns
- Checkboxs-Radios
- Material Design Icons
- Font Awesome
- Themify Icons
- Modals
- Notification
- Range Slider
- Components
- Sweet Alert
- Ratings
- Tree view
- Widgets
- Components
- Grid
- Range sliders
- Sweet Alerts
- Treeview
- Tour
- Calendar
- Widgets
- Tile Box
- Chart Widgets
- Icons
- Material Design
- Ion Icons
- Font awesome
- Themify Icons
- Simple line Icons
- Weather Icons
- Icon PE7
- Typicons
- Forms
- General Elements
- Advanced Form
- Form Validation
- Form Pickers
- Form Wizard
- Form Masks
- Multiple File Upload
- X-editable
- Tables
- Basic Tables
- Data Table
- Responsive Table
- Tablesaw
- Charts
- Flot Chart
- Morris Chart
- Chartjs
- Peity Charts
- Chartist Charts
- C3 Charts
- Sparkline charts
- Jquery Knob
- Pages
- Starter Page
- Login
- Register
- Recover Password
- Lock Screen
- Error 404
- Error 500
- Timeline
- Invoice
- Pricing
- Gallery
- Maintenance
- Coming Soon