Eolimn Ecology & Solar Energy Template Kit is a professional website template designed for solar energy, renewable energy, environmental protection, and green technology businesses. With a modern, optimized, and user-friendly design, this template kit allows you to create an impressive website without any coding skills. Eolimn Template Kit uses Elementor Website Builder, it’s used with Theme Hello. All are free
Eolimn – Ecology & Solar Energy Template Kit is the perfect solution for building a professional website, enhancing brand image, and attracting potential customers in the clean energy industry!
Plugins installed with kit :
- Elementor
- Themesflat Addons For Elementor
- The Plus Addons for Elementor
Kit Key Features:
- 3 Unique home pages
- Ecology & Solar Energy
- No Coding Knowledge
- Fully with Elementor free version ( Elementor Pro is not required )
- Header & Footer Builder Included
- Unique and Modern Style.
- Super Clear and Clean Layout
- Cross browser compatible
- Support Post Widget
- Support Carousel Slide Box ( Create sliders with anything )
- Ultra Responsive and Retina Ready
- Compatible with most WordPress themes
- Optimized for search engines
How to Use Template Kits:
This is not a WordPress Theme. Template kits contain the design data for Elementor only and are installed using the envato Elements plugin for WordPress or directly through Elementor.
Elementor Template Kits use the Envato Elements plugin to install.
Detailed Guide: https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/36033428836889-How-to-Upload-Install-Elementor-Template-Kits-from-Themeforest-to-WordPress
For further support, go to Elementor > Get Help in WordPress menu.
Setup Global Header and Footer in TF Header If you have Elementor Pro, headers and footers may be customized under Theme Builder.
- Go to TF > Header Footer and click Add New button
- Give it a title and select Header, Display on Entire Website and click Publish
- Click Edit with Elementor
- Click the gray folder icon to access My Templates tab and select the header template to import and Update.
- Repeat for Footer
This Template Kit uses demo images from Envato Elements. You will need to license these images from Envato Elements to use them on your website, or you can substitute them with your own.
- https://elements.envato.com/collections/LFZEND86MR